Chapter 7: I think I'll go home and think about the nightmares that could be

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I followed Frank outside of his room. We both walked outside to the backyard I looked over and saw a couple beach chairs in the yard. Yes, Frank had beach chairs in the backyard but they were comfortable so I wasn't complaining. I sat down in one and Frank followed. Rather than sitting in the other chair, Frank sat down in my lap. He threw his notepad and marker into the chair next to us. I smiled at Frank and he smiled back at me before pressing his lips to mine. After Frank pulled away a grabbed his notebook and wrote something down.

'gonna go get us drinks'

Frank left after that and came back, holding two cans of sprite. He placed them on the chair next to me and disappeared again. I reached over and cracked open the sprite, taking a sip before I felt water pouring over my head. I turned around and Frank was standing there with a water bottle, spilling over me. Frank stepped away and started giggling. I knew he didn't do it to piss me off, he just did it to laugh. I stood up and smiled, looking at Frank.

"Frank, can I get a hug?" I asked. Obviously he wouldn't want one because I was soaking.

Frank shook his head and continued to back away.

"Aww c'mon why not?" I asked and cocked my head continuing to walk towards Frank.

Frank backed up and hit the fence of his backyard so he was screwed by this point. I ran towards Frank and picked him up, lifting him off the ground. Frank was thrashing about and trying to escape my grip. I spun around and looked through the window. Jack was laughing at Frank and I. I smiled and eventually placed Frank on his feet. His shirt had wet splotches everywhere. I walked back to where the drinks were and picked up my sprite, once again taking a sip of it. Soon I felt two thin arms wrap around me from behind and I smiled and turned around to look at Frank. He picked up his sprite his notepad and marker and walked into the house. Frank and I hung out for most of the day and when it was getting dark and I said I had to leave, Frank got upset.

"I'll see you soon, I promise" I said. Frank nodded.

I waved goodbye to him and got into my car, driving back to Mikey's house. When I stepped in through the door Mikey started asking me a lot of questions.

"Where were you!?" Mikey shouted.

"At Frank's I told you before I left." I said.

I grabbed three pills off of the kitchen counter, took them and headed to the guest room, falling down onto the bed and closing my eyes before going to sleep. I heard my phone ring in the middle of the night and picked it up. It was Frank's number dialling me, but I knew it wasn't Frank since he didn't talk.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Oh thank god...Gerard...Gerard you need to come over" A voice said.

"Who is this?" I asked again.

"Jack, Frank is...I don't know, and I'm scared for him....Gerard you need to come over" Jack said panicked.

I quickly pulled on a hoodie before grabbing my keys and running out of the front door. I drove to Frank's house and it seemed like his house was the only one with all the lights on. I ran out of my car, not even bothering to lock the doors before I ran up to the front door and started knocking on it. No one answered, I could just hear a voice yell "COME IN" I opened the front door and stepped in. I walked around the house until I saw Jack sitting on the couch, Frank was there too, wrapped in a pile of blankets with his notebook beside him. I walked over to Frank and sat down next to him. His eyes were glazed over and he had no emotion on his face, it seemed to be frozen in fear and/or shock. Frank didn't acknowledge the fact that I was sitting next to him.

"Frank what's wrong?" I asked in a sort of loving and caring tone. Frank closed his eyes and shook his head.

"Frank tell me what's wrong." I said in a now strict tone, trying to get Frank to write something at least.


By now, Jack had gotten up and left so it was just Frank and I. I looked down at the notepad which was sitting in Frank's lap. Frank was shaking right now and I had no clue what on earth I could do to calm him down.

"Hey, can you tell me what they were about?" I asked.


I looked at the paper, puzzled and called Jack over. Maybe he knew something about this 'Luke' guy. Jack sat down as I motioned to the notepad an questioned.

"Oh fuck Oh fuck Oh fuck" Jack repeated.

"What?" I asked.

"Luke is Frank's ex. He uh I'm not going to say anything else." Jack started.

Jack left the room again which left Frank and I. Frank leaned his head on my shoulder and I could see tears falling from his eyes. I sat him up, wiping the tears away from his cheeks before questioning.

"Frank, can you tell me who Luke is?" I asked.

'my ex-boyfriend'

"Can you tell me more please?"

'we dated and he was nice but after he took my virginity he became abusive and told me how worthless I was and stuff like that and then one day I stopped talking and no-one noticed and I carried on with that. After awhile I couldn't take anymore and I ran away and lived with Jack.' Frank scribbled down quickly before more tears fell.

By now I think I was going to cry. I grabbed Frank and pulled him close to me, hugging him and never wanting to let go. He was so broken, how could someone do this to him? Frank was perfect how could anyone break him like this?

"How long ago was this?" I asked.

'I was 15'

"So three years about?" I added. Frank nodded his head.

"Have you said a word in those past three years?" I asked. Frank shook his head, no.

I hugged him tighter, obviously not being able to mend his past, but hoping to make Frank feel better right now. Frank had now crawled into my lap and had his arms wrapped around my neck. I kissed his forehead and gently pushed him out of my lap, trying to get up to walk to the door but I was stopped by someone grabbing my wrist. Frank stood there, but didn't have his notebook with him. He didn't say anything but I could see in his eyes he didn't want me to leave.

"Frank, hun, I gotta go back to Mikey's, how about you come with me?" I asked.

Frank nodded his head and I called out to Jack explaining what we were doing before Frank slipped on his vans and we were out the door, walking to my car. I drove us both back to Mikey's and opened the door. Frank stumbled in first and I followed behind him. I walked Frank to the guest room and got him settled before walking back to the uncomfortable couch I slept on a couple nights ago.

Authors note:

Woah, italics. I can't be bothered to change it now so too bad.

I'll never let them hurt you, i promise.

T xoxo

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