Chapter 14: I'll save my life for something good.

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I hugged Frank goodbye and watched him walk to the desk where they collect your tickets and then you board your flight. I was about to turn around and leave when I saw Frank talking to the lady at the desk. Not long after I could see Frank run up to me. Frank pushed his lips onto mine. I kissed back and wrapped my arms around his back pulling him close to me.

"I'm s-sorry" Frank whispered as he pulled away from the kiss.

I didn't reply, instead I kissed his forehead. Frank was about to step away and walk to the boarding hall until I stopped him.

"Frank?" I asked. Frank raised his eyebrows and nodded. "Why'd you decide to talk to me?"

"Bec-cause I love you and I wanted to s-say goodbye. A wr-written goodbye wouldn't be the sa-ame." Frank replied.

"I love you too." I said.

"Bye" Frank said as the tears started falling down his face again.

"Bye babe" I said and kissed his cheek and wiped away his tears with the sleeve of my hoodie. "Text me when you get to LA safe alright, or you can call"

I watched Frank walk away in my pyjamas and his hoodie. I waved Frank goodbye as he walked to the gate. I slowly walked out of the airport, starting to cry. When I got to my car I got in and looked to the seat beside me. Frank had left the drawing I gave to him. I drove back to Mikey's and when I got there and stepped through the door, Mikey was sprawled out across the couch. I snuck past him, trying to get to the guest room but Mikey woke up.

"Hey Gerard!" Mikey yelled to me. I stopped in my tracks and backed up, moving to where Mikey was.

"Why'd you eat my ice cream?" Mikey asked.

"I didn't." I stated.

"Oh was it your annoying boyfriend?" Mikey smirked.

"Shut up!" I yelled.

"What..? I was just telling the truth." Mikey said again.

"Shut up, shut up SHUT UP!" I yelled and covered my ears, stomping to the guest room.

When I got into the guest room, all I wanted to do was talk to Frank, but I knew I couldn't because he would be on a plane for the next six hours or so. I felt so disappointed because I wouldn't see Frank for six months. It tore me apart but I'm sure it hurt Frank more than if hurt me. If Frank hadn't ever met me he wouldn't have been crying and he actually would be happy to go to LA. I walked to the kitchen, ignoring the insults Mikey was throwing at me and took all the bottles of pills off of the counter. When I got to the guest room, I sat on the bed with a bottle of water and stared at all the pills.

I was definitely thinking of killing myself but then I thought about Frank. Frank would be even more broken if I did this, and I needed to repair Frank. Even though Frank wasn't here or didn't know I was doing this, he saved my life.

I might not be able to see Frank for a bit but I did have a plan.

Authors note:

Short chapter. I AM SORRY

Mikey is a dick. I AM SORRY.

i also would like to apologize for destroying y'all with feels.


Every accidental damage I wouldn't take.

T xoxo

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