Chapter 4:Cause you've gone crazy

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I got back home to Mikey's house. In the living room there were both my bags of clothing and my stuff. I looked through for my headphones and iPod but I couldn't find them. Damn, just another thing that I had forgotten at my parent's house. I sat down and turned on Netflix, continuing my show what I hadn't finished yesterday. I ended up watching the entire second season of Sherlock which left the time at 3:00. I texted Frank and asked him what he wanted to do.

"can we go to the movies?" Frank texted.

"Sure!" I replied. "I'll meet you at the local theatre and we can decide on the movie there"

"what time?" Frank asked.

"How does now sound?" I typed.

"great! see you soon!" Frank replied.

I got out of Mikey's house and into my car. It was kind of funny I didn't see Mikey, he's either sleeping or out somewhere. I drove to the theatre and saw Frank's car sitting outside and smiled to myself. I parked my car and walked outside of it and walked inside the theatre. I saw Frank standing near the arcade side of the theatre and he saw me right away. I waved at him and smiled and Frank ran over to me. He looked up at me and smiled wide.

"Let's go pick out a movie?" I asked and Frank and I walked over to the front and looked at the screens that displayed what movies were playing.

"22 Jump Street?" I asked. Frank went digging through his backpack.

'i've already seen it'

"Hm. Lets pick out something we both haven't seen." I said. "Maleficent?" I asked.

Frank pulled a thinking face for a bit before writing down, 'okay!'

I paid for the movie tickets and Frank and I were walking to where you get the popcorn and soda and everything when Frank grabbed my hand out of nowhere. I looked down at him and he looked away from me and tried to turn away.

"Why do you keep turning away?" I asked. Frank dropped my hand to write down something.

'you mean, you don't mind me holding your hand?"

"Not at all" I smiled and grabbed Frank's hand again.

Frank and I got a large popcorn and I got a coke. Frank was about to get a soda until he quickly scribbled down that he wanted a blue raspberry slurpee. Frank also picked out a bag of skittles and placed them on the counter. The food all together was expensive but Frank somehow convinced me that he should pay for it all. Frank and I sat down in the movie theatre and started watching all the stupid commercials that came on before the movies. The movie was good, but very loud and it didn't help that Frank and I were sitting beside the speakers. Frank jumped a few times at the loud parts and once curled up beside me. I looked over to him and Frank looked up at me and giggled, continuing to cling onto my arm. After the movie Frank and I walked out of the theatre and Frank kept glancing over to the arcade part of the theatre.

'Gerard look! One of those dance things!'

"Frank, you know I can't do those things, I'm going to break a leg or something" I replied.

I would definitely make a fool of myself if I tried to dance. Frank glanced at me and gave me puppy eyes until I caved in.

"Ugh fine!" I replied.

Frank jumped and ran over to the game. It took dollar bills so Frank fed one into the machine. I could see the little arrows coming up onto the screen, indicating where I should step. Frank was doing a lot better than I was but I was still having fun. The arrows kept falling from the top of the screen, to the bottom and I kept trying my best to step in all the right places. After the music finished and all the arrows stopped falling, Frank and I stepped off the dance mats.

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