Chapter 21:: Mission P.1

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I fiddled with my thumbs as I peeped my head into the guys lair. They were all huddled in the living room, on the floor, watching that tv show again. Hmmm what was the name again? Chris watches it.....

 "Remind me why we're blind folded again?" Trixie asked with a grunt. We decided to blind fold her, Linzy, Sam and Samantha since the guys wouldn't be too happy if we just gave away their secret lair to just anyone! Also, knowing Trixie she'll faint. She fainted when she saw me as a cat, how do you think she'd react if she saw 6-foot talking ninja turtles? THAT TALK. Not very well if you couldn't figure it out. 

 We've come up with a plan on what to say and do, and also how to approach this. I've also tell them I'm human. I've probably chose the worst possible timing, but this is the only way our plan will work. "Hey, you hear that?" Donnie asked from inside the lair. I huffed out. "April, Casey?" I gestured towards the lair. They nodded and walked in. "Hey guys!" Casey exclaime din his usual manner. I sghed. This was going to be alot harder than I thought it was gonna be about 6 hours ago. It's 7 o'clock right now, not to mention, freezing. I told my mom I'd be staying at a friend she didn't know tonight and I wouldn't be home for a while. 

 "So..guys, you know Erica right?" Casey asked nervously. Well that was a pretty stupid question.

"No...." Raph said sarcastically. "You don't?" Mikey asked. "Remember, she is the cat mutant that always blushes alot, she has the Shreddar claws, how can you forget her!?!?!"

 Raph sighed in annoyance, quite loudly might I add. "Just finish what you were saying." Leo spoke up. Casey gulped. "Well, ummm she's kind of, well; how do I say this?" JUST SAY IT ALREADY!


I sighed in annoyance. This is gonna take forever I might as well tell them! I stomped my feet into the entrance of the lair. "I'M HUMAN! HUUUMMMANNNN!!! H-U-M-A-N! Okay!!?!" I shouted. I took ragged deep breaths and looked up. They seemed all pretty surprised, except Raph of course.

"You're....what?" Leo asked. "Yes, I'm human, and cat. I'm half-human slash half-cat." I sighed out. There was a moment of silence before Donnie spoke up. "She must have came across some retro mutagen." We all turned our heads to him. "What's that?" I asked.

"Well it's a type of mutagen that changes your DNA only about 50%, causing you to be a human and a cat." Donnie explained. I nodded. "So...are you guys, like mad at me or are we cool?" I asked. Mikey, Donnie and Leo all looked at each other for a split second, than looked back to me. "We're cool." I smiled at this. I'm glad they aren't reacting the same way April did. "Oh, and one more thing guys." I said. "So ummm, like, this kid that lives in the same apartment building as me, caught a video of you guys on tape and sent it into the news last night..."

 They were only about 15 feet away from me, but I could still see their eyes twitch. "What?" They asked in unison. "Oh! But don't worry! We're gonna go and retrieve it! With some help of course!" I added nervously. That's when Trixie decided to stumble in. "Hi! I know I can't see you, but nice to meet you anyways!" She shouted. "Why'd you bring her along?" Raph asked. "Well she works as a make up aritist on the weekends at the studios, so she can help us." I explained. "I also brought a few others too." 

 On cue, Samantha, Sam and Linzy walked in, holding the wall for support. "Hey I remember you, you're that girl from the Kraang ship!" Raph said. She flipped her hair. "Well long time no see to you." She muttered. "This is Sam, Samantha and Linzy, they are here to help!" I said. "Samantha is good with agility and hacking, Sam here, also works their as a janitor and has a key to every room and Linzy is very helpful." I explained. "We've got a plan as well."

 They stayed silent for a moment, probably thinking. Ugh. Maybe I should've just came here as a cat! Would have made this a lot more easier!  Me and my stupid mind. 

Every Ninja needs a Geisha (A Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Love Story) TMNTWhere stories live. Discover now