Chapter 14: Questions

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  I took small and slow bights of my strawberry watermelon icecream, while I eyed Trixie's bag containing the mutagen. How am I supposed to be able to figure out who took mutagen onto a bus and forgot it? or how about the fact that Trixie was acting like a psycho path about 10 minutes ago, and somehow managed to be her usual self again in less than 10 seconds?!?! ERGH! I'M GONNA GO GRAY BEFORE I TURN 20! I stabbed my spoon into my ice cream with a hard throb with my spoon.

"Um...Erica?" Asked Trixie pointing with her spoonful of cotton candy ice cream to my spoon which was basically trying to murder my ice cream. "Oh..yeah, sorry Tee." I yanked my spoon out of the ice cream and kept on eating. Trixie was babbling about some guy at my school while I kept thinking about what possibly happened. Maybe it was just a mere coincidence, I bet some one just basically forgot it like a normal human. Wait...what if it isn't a human!?!? Ohhhh, I really need Donny's help on this one! He'd be able to think of something! I wonder who...

"OMG! I haven't talked to you guys in forever!" Squealed an excited, familiar voice. I turned around my head to be facing my only blonde friend, Alicia.

"Alicia! Yeah it's been forever girlll what's been happening?!" Squealed Trixie hugging Alicia. I rolled my eyes and giggled.


"Did you complete the mission?" Asked my father while I kneeled on the ground. "Yes father, the mission was completed." I replied. "I'm proud of you Karai, you are excused." father said. I stood up without looking in his direction, and began to walk towards the door. "Wait, Karai." said my father. "Yes father?" I asked still keeping my eyes glued to the door. "I've been told about a girl, her name is Erica Avery Perry." He through me a picture of thee teenage girls, one blonde, the other had slightly dark hair and the the other one had a red circle around her face, in fact, she was the only one who's face I could see. She had lighter brown hair and hazel eyes. Also, the three of them were walking into a familiar building. I stuffed the photo in my pocket.


"She is working with the turtles."

"Okay, I get it, what do you want me to do? Exterminate her?"

"No, not quite yet, I need you to start spying on her starting now." I nodded.

"But no one thing, she is very special. You are excused."

In relief I walked over to the door, and as soon as they opened, I quickly ran through the doors. I guess I have to go across town; again. I just came back from a weird mission my father sent me on, he made me go to different spots of town and put mutagen in obviously yet un-obvious places. I've done it before, I do them every month, like last time I put one in an abandoned building window ledge, in the middle of a field of purple flowers, behind a dumpster near a bunch of cats, in a school, etcetera....I really don't know why he makes me do it, I just do. And today, he had me specifically put the mutagen in the bathroom of a local bus, and into a dumpster.

Father said I have to find an 'Erica Avery Perry'. I walked outside and while no one was watching, I jumped up from building to building, up to the very top. I looked over the city and pulled the picture of Erica out. She was walking into the all city's public high school. Well now I got a place I can start. But...I should start looking for her on the streets. I walked over to the hatch on the roof of my bedroom, opened it and jumped in. My room is as you would say emo. I Walked over to my dark purple closet and pulled out my midnight red jacket and my matching baseball hat. I'm ready to go


I romed the crowded Manhattan streets, in search of Erica. I wonder what is oh sooo special. She looks and seems no different than that red headed April girl. She's not a turtle, she looks as if she can't even hurt a fly! In Japan she'd BE the fly! What is so special about her? I scanned my area and saw someone in the crowd that caught my eye. I saw a certain blonde walk across the crowd. I swiftly took out the picture and stared intently at the blonde. I smirked. It was the same blonde, the exact two had that one small strand of brown hair in the mess of blonde. I put the picture back in my pocket and ran towards the blonde. This is it! The key to finding Erica! And what makes it easier is that I'm a great persuasive actress. I was finally about 10 feet when she decided to walk into a ice cream shop, Kiwi Burst  I stopped and looked at the bright, vibrant neon green and pink glow against the sunshine. It made me sick.

I slowly walked over to the door and pushed it open. I looked around and I heard a disturbing girly yell. I looked over to the left and saw something I wasn't expecting. It was the blonde with Erica and the other one! Well this is just waaayy to easy! Maybe I should listen to them, see if they're all in it together. Luckily, to make it easier, the blonde walked over to the line and sped walked over to her and purposely bumped into her. Her purse and phone fell on the ground.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" I said picking up her purse and phone for her.

"No, it's fine, we're breathing aren't we?" She asked giggling. I laughed with her. Her happiness was kind of actually uplifting. "What's your name?" I asked. "Alicia, what about you?" "My name is Jenny." I replied. "Oh cool! Why don't you come and sit with me and friends over there?" She asked pointing to Erica and the other one. This just couldn't get it easier, could it? "I'd love to." I smiled. She smiled back and ordered herself some chocolate ice cream with oreos, chocolate chips, chocolate syrup, and some other chocolate topping. Man, she really liked chocolate. I just ordered strawberry ice cream and went with Alicia to the girls. Well father is going to be pleased with my progress.

"Hey guys, this is Jenny, Jenny, this is Trixie and Erica." Said Alicia pointing to them. "Hi! Oh! I love strawberry ice cream! But you should really try Cotton Candy! And I love your name too! Jenny is my sister's name!" Babbled on the one who I assumed to be Trixie. I looked at Alicia who was eating back her laughter with ice cream, and Erica looking out the window as rain began to slowly than quickly poor outside. I've came up with a conclusion that, Trixie and Alicia seem way to stupid to be working with Erica on something, but I need more information. "And thats how we met!" Finished Erica after I tuned in. Wow. She needs to learn how to SHUTUP! "That's so cool!" I replied faking a smile. Trixie's lit up while Alicia listened and Erica laughed under her breath at me. This is gonna be TOO easy!!


“You know, I can't believe I haven't said this yet, but I honestly LOVE your hair, how'd you get it like that?"  Alicia asked Jenny, our new friend. “With hair dye and scissors!" Carrie laughed as we all did. We've literally been here for three hours  just talking to Jenny! She is super sweet and has alot of common with us!  She likes our favorite shows, favorite colors, favorite animal...which is a turtle.....oh shoot now I can't stop thinking about the turtles and Trixie's mutagen! Ohhh!!! What am I gonna do?!?!?!?

"Hello!!!! Earth to Erica!" Erica waved her hand in my face. I snapped out of my thoughts. "Yeah?" I asked. "Do you guys wanna go to the movies tonight?" Asked Trixie. "Totally! I've been DYING to see the Menacing Green Eyes!!!" Alicia squealed. I made a disgusted face. Menacing Green Eyesis a stupid love story about a girl who sees a man, but he's wearing a mask and she can only see his green eyes. They become friends and blah blah blah blah blah! Wait...Green eyes...a mask... "Oh me too!" Squeaked Trixie. "Guys with green eyes are soo hot!"

I stood up from the table and cleared my throat. "I'm going home, my head hurts, bad." I said as I got up to leave. Darn it! "Oh wait! Erica!" Jenny said as she grabbed my arm. "Can I have your number?" She asked. I sighed. "Ask Trixie for it." I got out of Jenny's grasp and ran out the door, ready to cry. It was starting to get dark considering it being the beginning of December, so I started to run for the back streets.

I jumped past a few strangers until no one was around. I sat behind a brick building and let a few tears run down my face. Wh-Why am I crying? All I did was think of Raph.... More tears start to fall.

Raph, Raphael, Green eyes, Red bandana, Tough turtle whatever I should call him! I can't take my mind off him! He's all I ever think about! Raph....the only one on my mind....How do I get rid of these feels? I think I lo- "Erica?" I snapped my head up to see nothing but the dark. Wow. How long have I been crying for? "Hey, what's wrong?" Asked the voice again. I heard feet land on the pavement next to me and looked to my side. It was Raph.

Every Ninja needs a Geisha (A Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Love Story) TMNTWhere stories live. Discover now