Chapter 9:: Taken: Part Two

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"Okay guys, I put this new tracker in our t-phones, so make sure if you get captured, the Kraang won't find it." said Donnie.

"Okay team, remember the mission, save Erica." said Leo. WELL NO DUH!

"Does that mean we can use super ninja sneak attacks?" asked. Mikey.

"NO!" we all yelled. Whenever Mikey does a sneak attack, he yells "SSNNEEEAAK ATTAAAAAACKK" about 10 feet away! Like seriously!

"Whatever, let's go." said Leo using his grappling hook to get across to TCRI. I equipped mine as well.

"Hey man, why you look so tense?" asked Mikey poking my face. I smacked him back in the face and jumped across on top of TCRI. I knew I looked tense, but I needed to save Erica. I guess...I really DO love her....I'll never say, never tell. If I just keep quiet, and say nothing, I'll forget, and I'll be able to focus on the importance of saving the city.

"Guys, look!" yelled Leo pointing. I looked over in his direction, to see a kraang droid, unweaponded! This is my chance!

I jumped from the window sill we were at, and onto the kraangdroid with my sais in it's side.

"Raph!" yelled Leo. I ignored him. I kept attacking the kraang droid till it fell to the ground. Next, I heard the five pairs of feet hit the ground.

"RAPH! THAT WAS TOO RISKY!" yelled a panting Leo.


"Well, we can, just calm down Raph". said Raph as if he was talking to a rabid dog. I'm not that over reacted!

"Listen Raph, you need to caaalm down Raph." said Casey. I growled. Do they not care what happens to her? Then I just ran off in the opposite direction. I heard them yelling for me, but I wasn't stopping.


I woke up again, in the same old cell I was in. How am I supposed to get out? Am I, Erica Avery, to just rot away in here? I can't! I have people who care about me! I have to help Linzy! and... I need to tell Raph how I feel if I'm know...Die.

"PLEASE LET ME OUT!" I wined. I needed to get out.

"Okay." said th kraang droid. Wait...did it just say...Okay? as in...I CAN LEAVE? Yay! Then, the wall behind me began to lift up, revealing a sun blazing glare inside it. Why don't they just open the real door, and not some random door? Whatever, I'm getting outta here. I began to walk into wherever I was entering, and the sun blazed fog was clearing up. I saw, a giant brain, WAIT WHAT?!?!??! A GIANT BRAIN!!!??!! I swerved back around, to see the door closed, gone, disappeared. Oh no.

"Wh-where am I!?!" I yelled.

"Why, hello child." said the brain. I gasped. It, it talked! and it had a woman voice! yes, I notice that.

"LET ME OUT!" I yelled again.

"Now, why would I ever do that child?" it asked, and I felt my arms and legs being tied down by metal slates, and I screamed.

"Oh child, we are only going to read your thoughts, and you will be on your way." said the Brain. I felt a suction tube on my head. I clenched my fists. Wait, MY FISTS WEREN'T TIED DOWN! I COULD CUT MY WAY THROUGH! Yes!!!!

I slowly, yes, very slowly began to lift my hands towards the metal slatey things on my wrists. All I needed, was for her, or 'it' not to notice, and use my claws to cut through the things very quickly, and run.

After my vision was beginning to blur, and it pumped, I got a hold of the metal things, and then, I quickly, and when I say quickly, I mean at LIGHTNING SPEED, I cut off the metal plates, and then the ones on my feet, and then pulled off the tube off my head.

"GET HER!!!!" yelled the big brain kraang as I ran around the large room. There's gotta be a way out, there's gotta be a way out, there's gotta be a way out, there's gotta be a way out, there's gotta be a way- Oh look! A VENT! About 100 feet higher! I know I can't jump that!

I began looking for the tallest thing in the room for me to climb up and jump on the vent. The Brain! That's the tallest thing in this room. I looked at all the Kraang chasing after me, as I swiftly jumped onto the big brain, making it scream.

"GET THIS CHILD OFF ME NOW!!!!!" it screamed extremely loudly. And as a cat, I would've rather been hit by a car. And live. and not go to the hospital. and my guts spill out, okay not the time to think about that.

I jumped up to it's top, and got ready to pounce. Okay Erica, you can do this, you got this, shhh shhh, you can do it, and without looking around me, I jumped.

I felt amazing flying through the air. I was right near the vent, just a little more...And....I grabbed it! yes! I just need to pull it! Then I heard the lasers fire then. Oh shooottt gotta get this! I pulled and scratched at it as the lasers fired.

"You can not escape! I will get you!" yelled big brain. Yes! Got it! I pulled the vent out and quickly jumped in, then closed the vent. Phew! I'm safe! ish.... for now. Now I just gotta get out of here. Then I started crawling through the vents.

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