Chapter 7: Little Things

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I walked into the corridors of the school when I saw a poster with  little mini turtles, and it said Save the wild life! I thought of The Ninja Turtles now. Which means I can get Raph out of My head! This Crush is devouring me! I mean, even during me, April and Casey Jones study session, I couldn't get my mind off those sparks I felt between me and him. Did he feel it too?

"I see you are interested in those turtles." said April. I turned around and saw her right behind me.

"What?? No! I have NO interest in them AT ALL! What???" I Said.

"Wellll ummm do you want to help them out?" she asked handing me a petition slip.

"Oh uhhh yeah! Ofcourse! I thought you meant something else!" I said raking out a pencil to sign the petition form.

"Like what?" asked April. My cat ears popped out. See, beanies save My life!!!!

"You know...Dead turtles." I said. She seemed a little creeped when I handed her the form.

"Uhhhh thanks." she said and moved on. quickly. I groaned and hit my back against a wall. I HATE MY LIFE!


"Hey Raph, You've beat that level a million times with your eyes closed in 10 seconds, and you've been doing that for a half hour, is it broke?" said Leo.

"No, my hands just hurt!" I shouted back to him. He rolled his eyes.

"Sure...You just lost your touch!" said Leo walking off. I sighed.

I haven't been able to forget about Erica, and her being a human.... why did it hurt so much she lied? And I've felt like my heart is beating really fast when I'm around her! What does it mean? I should just Donny, he is a scientist and all. There's gotta be a cure. I walked over to my brothers lab and busted the door open.

"Hey Don, I think I'm sick or something." I yelled. He didn't look busy, he was just staring at a picture talking to himself. CRAAAZZYYY. He came and walked over to me and looked me over.

"Then, what are your symptoms?" asked Donny.

"Well, I think I'm sick, or allergic to cats, cause when I'm around Erica, my heart beats really fast, and my palms are sweaty, and my stomach feels empty. What does it mean?" I shouted. He kinda laughed.

"What! What is so funny!?" I yelled.

"You are sick, sick indeed Raph!" said Donny laughing. He was hysterical!

"WHAT DO I HAVE!?!?" I yelled shaking him.

"Oh, you got a common disease, the LOOOVVVEEEEEHHHH disease!" he said. Wait......I was in love? How?

"Yeah right! I'm going to my room." I said letting him die of laughter.

I can't be in love with her! I bet she'd laugh in my face if I asked her! She'd blow us all off.....cause of me...Besides, love Is an obstacle for the team, Donnie can handle it, but I can't. It would obviously distract me too much. What if Erica got hurt? or abducted? I can't even think about it.


I ran out of the school doors.  heard heys, and Erica! but I didn't stop. I think....I need to confront Raph....and tell him how I feel. No wait! I can't! This is probably a boy crazy fase I'm going through, and I'll get over him within a week! Yeah! I'll probably be crushing on that kid Dennis! I guess I should head to the lair, maybe get annoyed with Raph.

I ran back behind an abandoned building and got ready to transform, when a saw a girl that looked around 8 or 10 . she was eyeing a fish stand. Oh, how I craved sea food. I then saw her crawl and swiftly turned into a cat with blondish white fur. My eyes popped! Am I going crazy? SHE CAN TRANSFORM LIKE ME! The girl as a cat jumped down with a peice of fish and was coming down the alley I was in. I quickly turned behind the dumpster where I turned into a mutant. I looked as she went back into her little human form. She had long blonde hair that went passed her knee and green eyes. I observed her gnaw at the fish like she hasn't ate in a while. Well she was thin, makes sense. I sprung up and got up. She looked scared when I stood up.

"D-Did you see that?" she asked scared. I was surprised she had such good vocabulary.

"Yes, but we are the same." I said motioning towards her. She backed off a little until I sat next to her.

"What's your name?" I asked. She choked up "I I'm Linzy, I'm an orphan, what's your name?" said the little girl Linzy. I felt so bad. This little girl, who probably had to steel that white t shirt that's dirty and those little jeans, was orphaned.

"I'm Erica. How old are you?" I asked. it took her a minute to think.

"I am 12 turning 13." said Linzy. OMG SHE DIDN'T LOOK 12! SHE LOOKED WAY YOUNGER! I need to let her stay at my place and let her have a nice warm bed, clothes and food.

"Well....I'm 15, would you like to come over to my home?" I asked. I hope she knows what a home is.

"Okay." she said getting up next to me. "Where is it?"

"It's down there." I said pointing down the road. She nodded and held my hand. I feel so bad, she's homeless and excepting to go to a stranger's home. Either way, I need to show her to Donnie, maybe he can see if she is healthy. I hope my mom will let her stay in our apartment, maybe she would have to sleep on my couch in my room, but that's better then outside.

We walked up to the apartment and her jaw dropped.

"You live in this WHOLE place?" she asked still in awe. I giggled.

"No, just a little part of it." I said pointing to mine. I noticed my mom wasn't home, so I could let her and I talk about her being half cat. I got my key out and went inside. Linzy was still in awe.

"Would you like something to eat or drink?" I asked. I should get something healthy in her, she needs health.

"Yes!" she said desperately as I pulled her to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and saw salmon with a left over hamburger and some spinach.

"Would you eat this all?" I asked turning around to her with all the food. Her eyes lit up.

"Yes please!" she said staring at the food. I threw it in the microwave and got her a glass of water with a fancy straw and set it all in front of her. Man, I wanted that salmon sooooo bad, but she didn't need it. She began earing the hamburger when she looked up at me.

"Would you like some?" she asked. I kindly said no and she kept on eating. I thought about Raph then. What would he do? Is he cold hearted? Will he think I'm stupid for taking in a strey? No, if he thinks I'm stupid, let it be. I floated out of my thoughts and noticed she was finished eating and drinking some water. Maybe I should give her a fresh pair of clothes.

"Stay here Linzy, I'll be right back." I said walking over to my room. I took out a bag me and my mother were gonna donate to charity, and picked out a pink t-shirt with little sparkles on it and skinny jeans with some sneakers, socks and under wear and raced back to the kitchen. she was in the exact same spot I last saw her in. Maybe she should take a bath then get dressed.

"Is that for me?" asked Linzy excited.

"Yes, but why don't you take a bath first?" I asked. she should be clean.

"Okay, I haven't took one in 2 years since my last foster home." she said. I pulled her into the bathroom and filled up the water nice and warm, with a towel on the sink. When it was finished, I gave her instructions and she agreed. While she bathed, I went into my room to set her bed up.

I really don't care what my mom says, this little girl needs me.

Every Ninja needs a Geisha (A Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Love Story) TMNTDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora