Chapter 5: Kitty kitty

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I woke up the next morning, excited to hopefully see the Turtles. I wanted to start a friendship with April. She seemed nice, plus she'd be helping us save the world. Then again... they can't know I'm well... Erica outside of my human form. Only April knows the two Ericas, but I don't think she'll get suspicious. I mean, there's alot of Ericas out there.

I walked up to my mirror and noticed a long scratch on my forearm. How did that happen? If my mom saw it, she'd get suspicious... Maybe I'll just "Cut" my arm on accident today and it'll go by uncared.

They don't seem to come out in the day time, when the city is more alive, then the night, while it's quiet and no ones around. That makes more sense. I'm surprised Raph is my friend. He seems like the kinda guy who would be so arrogant enough as to not even care at all. like a regular bully at school. I think he had a soft spot somewhere when it came to others.

"Hey Erica! You gotta see what's on the news!" said Chris barging in. Luckily I had a sweater on so he wouldn't notice the scratch. I went down the stairs and my jaw dropped when I saw what it was.

News reporters capture an actual

flying saucer, no movements of living creatures, but reporters will be on the streets. if you have any information, call the number below."

Said the news guy.

"Can you believe that guys?" asked my mom.

"Yeah! I'm gonna be video taping everything now! for the next month! and I'll become rich!" said Chris.

"I don't believe it." I said trying not to lie.

"What? How can't you?!?! It's on the screen!" said Chris.

"That doesn't mean it isn't fake." I said going into the kitchen to get lemonade. Chris stood in the door way to the kitchen.

"You're hiding something; and I'm gonna find it out." said Chris. Then he walked away.

I sighed. If he exposed me and the Turtles, we'd be sent to be tested on in a science lab, and conducted with experiments, and THE KRAANG WOULD TAKE OVER THE WORLD!

At least that's all I know. There's gotta be more then the kraang. Some time of villian lurking around, looking for the Turtles. I'm gonna have to be really sneaky to find out, and I'll also have to get by the reporters somehow. Then, I got a text. From Trixie.

Hey! Where were you last night? I wanna know cuz u really scared me somethin bad, u better have been at that party or home...

then I replied,

Ya... sory, I went onto the roof the entire night, and I really don't wanna talk about it.

I wasn't REALLY lying right? I was on the roof most of the night.

"C'mon Erica, we need to get to the pet store in 5 minutes!" called my mom.

I threw on my BLACK beanie this time, with my hair in its usual pony tail, then my red jacket, that had white sleeves and one said LOVE on it, and blue jeans with sneakers. Casual me.

I ran down the stairs and I accidentally fell over the banister. So I did one of my cat moves, which was doing a front flip in the air, and landing on my feet. IT WORKED!!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!! I COULDA DIED!!! maybe being half cat is a good ability.

"Woah." said Chris who was apparently there the whole time. My ears popped out. Thank you beanie!!!!

"I I. I know what you are." said Chris.

"No! it is not true!" I yelled.

"You are secretly a gymnast!" yelled Chris.

He was way off but I had to make him think it.

Every Ninja needs a Geisha (A Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Love Story) TMNTWhere stories live. Discover now