Chapter 13: Meh, The Day After.

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"So...Erica...." started the investigator Alice. It was like 2 o'clock now and my mother had ordered us a pepperoni pizza (which is not helping me forget about the guys) and we were sitting on the couch eating. The women was very pretty. She had long blonde hair that went down to her chest, dazzling blue eyes and she wore a business casual outfit. We are also in the interview right now if you were wondering.

"You say you were, well, how should I put this, mugged, by the Silent Senseis?" Asked Alice curious. I looked down at a piece of my pizza and back up to her face. I don't care if they get in trouble now, but I also hate lying about the whole thing. But if the cops found out I was lying, I could get into serious trouble!

"Yes." I mumbled fixing my beanie.

"So, I was wondering what happened, the whole story, every little detail." said the Investigator slamming her fist down on the couch. I could practically imagine my mother flinching behind me when Alice slammed her greasy hand down on the white couch. "Every.... detail?" I asked. She nodded her head. Boy I hate lying. Grr!! This is all THEIR fault!!!

  "So, I was going walking out of school on the back streets, I was getting ready to go pick Linzy up...". I started. Well, atleast that was the truth. "Then, while I was looking around, I noticed a can and picked it up, cause, you know, loitering is wrong." I stated. Alice nodded her head and had a thinking look plastered on her face. "S-so, I was thinking about school, because I had a bad day, and I was getting mad so I threw the can behind a, umm trash can! Yeah! I missed it and I heard an Ow! Then I got scared so I started running the opposite way-" "Hold up." interrupted Alice. Oh no, Maybe I should've said this whole thing more clearly and confident. "You say you were trying to throw the can into the trash, but it missed and... hit behind it?" she asked. I nodded. "So, you think someone was behind it?" she asked. I nodded again. "Well how come you couldn't see them?" she asked staring me down. "Oh! I didn't mention! It was near Smith Boulevard and their is alot of other things surrounding that trash can, like a dirty couch and mattress, some tables, stuff like that." I quickly replied. Alice took a second to think then Alice gave me a soothing, calm, "Go on."

  "Well as I left off, I began to walk in the opposite direction of that trash can, and I heard footsteps coming up behind me, so I started running, then I felt myself trip and fall to the ground, then I saw one of the Silent Senseis walk in front of me and I looked up." I said. "Then.." said Alice. "Then I noticed three other guys walk next to him, and they all were wearing trench coats and hats, but I noticed they all had different bandannas too, A dark blue, Violet, Orange and a, a," I started. "A?" asked Alice. "A red bandanna." I sighed breathing out. "Well anyways, one of them held a frying pan, lifted it up, I watched it fall to my face and everything went out." I said. Alice nodded. "Anything else happen?" Asked Alice grabbing something from the couch. "Uhhmmm, no." I replied watching her take a voice recorder out of the couch. "You recorded my daughter." my mom asked mad and annoyed. "Well yes, the police have to hear it." Said Alice getting up. "That's all I need for now, so if you have anymore information, you know where to find me." Said Alice getting up and leaving. I got up and walked to my room then slammed the door behind me. I slid down the door on my back.

 I honestly can't stand lying, that was very stressful! I went to my book shelf and picked out a book that was like 2 inches thick. The book was Unearthly. It's my favorite book! I've probably read it 20 times! Chapter 1.


I closed the book. What a great story! I can't wait to read Hallowed which is coming out soon. "Knock Knock." said a familiar female voice. "Trixie!" I practically screeched. I ran to the door and threw it open. "Heyy girlll". said Trixie coming into my room. "Hey." I let out. I shut the door behind me. "See you've been reading it again." said Trixie picking up the book. I smiled. "So what's bothering you then?" asked Trixie. My cat ears perked under my beanie. "What would be wrong?" I asked stuttering while trying to act naive. She gave me an Iknowyou'relying look. "No really! I'm fine!  Honestly!" I said. She turned around to really look at me.

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