Chapter 20: What Are Friends For?

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“ERICA! ERICA! WAKE UP!" Chris yelled at me. I groaned. “Shut up Chris it's Saturday! I'm going out later...." I moaned and rolled over. I heard him sigh and walk to the other end of the bed. “Please...the news is coming on soon about the Silent Senseis!" He exclaimed. I shot up in bed. That's right...Chris sent it to the news last night and their gonna air it. ON LIVE TV!

“Chris! Erica! Linzy! It's starting!" Mom shouted from the living room. I heard Chris run around my bed and out of the room, while I shut my eyes taking this all in. I should've known this would happen. I should've told them about my brother and the possible publicity.....should've, could've, would've. 

 I got out of my now cold bed and walked the cold floors and down the hall. The hall seemed somewhat longer, darker, deeper and hazier. I just wish my father would come home from his business trip early, just so the front door what just slam open once he entered as always. But this time hit me in the head while I'm walking and knock me dead...maybe make my life easier.

 I finally entered the living room, more nervous than anything. I was shaky, completely nerved up. And surprisingly, everyone was here. Alicia was here, Trixie, FBI agents, other men I didn't recognize, Jenny, and ALICIA! linzy didn't even look nervous. She just smiled and waved. That isn't like her...

 "OH look! It's starting! Trixie giggled. I sat on the couch in the middle of Chris and Linzy, than watched the news play as a new reporter I didn't know spoke. 

 "We just received a tape from Chris Perry from the Manhattan area that he has found actual footage of the silent senseis!" I completely zoned out when I saw Raph flying across the screen. I ignored everone's chatter and yelps of joy. I could'nt care any less. What truly bothered me right now was the fact THAT THIS WAS ACTUALLY AIRING!

 "In related news...." Another unfamiliar male voice spoke up. We recently found captured this picture of Erica Avery Perry from an unknown witness. My jaw dropped. It was me! The night of the mutagen incident! I can't beleive what I'm seeing right now! I looked around the room at the people staring at me. And that is when Alice spoke up. "Erica, these men are CIA agents, they're here to take you away." She simply stated. I blinked a few times as the men slowly came toward me, hand cuffs and all.

“NO! I WON'T LET YOU!" I cried, no one seeming to care. Trixie was side tracked, looking outside the window, a tear on her cheek, everyone looked down. Even my own mother. Just as an agent was about to hand cuff me from behind, I ripped my hands out of his grasp and transformed into a cat. They all gasped. I jumped on top of a window ledge and sprung outside and climbed up the other side of the building.

“GET BACK HERE YA FREAK!" Alice yelled after me. I kept sticking my nails into the bricks, climbing up as fast as I could. Thank you cat reflexes!

I made it to the top of the building, and I climbed over the ledge, letting myself fall back onto the ground. 

 Why is this happening to me?

 "I didn't think you'd be up here." Muttered a familiar voice. I lifted my head up and twisted my body. There was Raph, looking at the city over the city with a blank expression on his face. "Raph!" I expclaimed and stood back up. "Why're you here?" I walked towards him. "My brothers and SPlinter were taken. Because of your stupidity Erica!" Raph shouted at me. I gave him a confused expression. "Raph I'm sorry!" I whined, holding back the tears threatening to spill out. "No! You and your antics got us caught! This is your fault and we're going to be experimented on!" Raph said through gritted teeth. 

 "Wh-what are you trying to say?" i whimpered. Raph sighed in anger. He jumped on top of the ledge, looked at the city, then back at me. "I hate you." Was all he said before skipping to another building and running away, just like that. "Raph! Raph!" I screamed.

Every Ninja needs a Geisha (A Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Love Story) TMNTWhere stories live. Discover now