Chapter 22: This Is Very Stressful Y'know!

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I was smiling like an idiot, trying to turn back to my straight face, but I couldn't help it! Raph just kissed me! If you could just easily get over your first kiss after a minute, YOU GOT TALENT! I can't take the irony. Trixie was telling Sam some story until her eyes wandered over to me. She looked at me with an emotionless expression. After about a second or two, usually bubbly smile appeared to on her face, causing her to clap her hands, wink at me, then giggle. Yep. She knows what just happened.

I stood up and brushed off my jeans before walking down the stairs to the guys. I held my palm over my mouth to stop them from seeing my random smiling in a serious situation.

“Are you both ready to go?" Leo asked. I looked around. “Where's Donnie?" I asked.

“He told us he can't exactly trace the tape's exact location down, so he's gonna work on that while we look around.." Leo explained. Wait what?

“It's go time." Leo instructed. We nodded and all made a head start by running and jumping off the building. I hate these jumps, and when I say I hate it, I HATE IT!

I feel like I'm going to die! But then again, I'm a about a 5'6-foot mutant cat right now with about 7/10 regular ninja fighting skills. So yeah....

“Erica, you might wanna jump building-to-building or you'll end up getting squashed like ice cream kitty!" Mikey yelled to me.

“No thanks! I'm fine!" I yelled back. “That wasn't the question!" I rolled my eyes as my body started to twist around so I could land on all four. Cat reflexes.

I plopped to the ground with a thud, immediately jumping up and brushing myself off. I watched as the others hid amongst the shadows, their light foot pats against the pavement. I followed along side them. I needed to keep silent, who knows? Knowing the video cameras were off, they'd likely find out and immediately come here. But this city doesn't quite seem to care anymore....

I crept low to the ground, like a lizard and zoomed to the nearest doors. The doors were painted tan, the red EXIT sign flickering on and off. Why is there an exit sign on an entrance? Whatever. I cautiously opened the double doors, hoping that no security alarm would go off, or atleast hoping Donnie would've gotten to that too. Of course he did!

I swiftly slid into the building, holding it open for Leo, Raph and Mikey as I could see them making their way over. Oh Raphael....

'Hurry!' I mouthed to them. As soon as they made it in, I shut the door closed. “Okay, where's the tape?" I asked. "Well, Donnie said he found it inside sector B, so let's go!" Leo answered. We all nodded and all followed after him. Staying away from the windows was a challange since their were actually some people outside on set.  Raph was closer to me than Leo or Mikey, which made it hard to not smile. Luckily it was dark in here and no one could notice! See, the dark in my cat form is just as helpful as the beanie in my human form. YA GET IT????? 

 We snuck by a few windows, being quiet as ever, only breathing like every 10 seconds to keep quiet. THAT'S HOW URGENT THIS IS. I bet my heart beat can be heard more loudly than the silence filling into the room. We slid into room passed a heavy metal door and cautiously shut it. 

“I think this is the room!" Mikey gawked at the hundreds of filing cabinets, computers and other storage units in the large room.

Leo groaned. “This'll take forever! Erica do you have any cat skills that you can figure out where the tape is?" Leo asked me. I frowned.

Before I could protest, Raph spoke up. “C'mon, what do you think she is? She's part cat not a radar." Raph scoffed. What kind of an answer was that? The fact he spoke up for me at an unnecessary time still made my cheeks redden.

Every Ninja needs a Geisha (A Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Love Story) TMNTWhere stories live. Discover now