Chapter 1: Erica

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"Hey Erica will you go down to the convenience store and go buy me some soda and mints?" Asked my annoying 12 year old brother, Chris.

"Why would I do that?" I retorted. "Cause I'll tell mom about you sneaking out of your skylights." Chris grinned evilly. I sighed with annoyance. "Black Mail, well done my brother." I said as I grabbed some money, skipped out of my apartment building, and headed down the backstreets to the convenience store a couple blocks away.

Hi, I'm Erica, Erica Avery Perry, I know right, ironic name, cause each word is only five letters long. I was still in my uniform from Jujitsu since I just got back and THIS IS TORTUREEEEEE. I mean, I literally stayed there for four full hours, no break and on my feet all day! Atleast a few of my friends were there! I shivered at the cold October air of Manhattan.

The only reason I'm doing this, is because, well, black mail. As you saw my stupid brother is black mailing me to do this. WELL I'M SORRY THAT MY PARENTS BOUGHT AN AWESOME APARTMENT AND I WAS THE FORTUNATE ONE WITH SKYLIGHTS DIRECTLY ABOVE MY BEDROOM!! I sneak out often even though I'm not the sneaking out kinda girl....or popular for that matter....

I felt my auburn hair getting wet and I groaned. I looked up to the sky to see it was all cloudy and groggy, as it started down pouring. I wined and I ran to the nearest alley way between a barber shop and a crowded café.

A few cats walked passed me scaring me when a few would occasionally rub themselves against my legs and I sighed. I sat down on the dry ground since the rain didn't seem like it was going away anytime soon...until I spotted something glowing a neon green out of the corner of my eye. I looked at the dumpster on the other side of the building and walked over to it to see what it was.

I just then noticed there was a glowing green skimy ooze coming from behind the dumpster. Not like normal, it was actually glowing! Cats hissed at the ooze coming out of it and a few meowed at me, as if they knew that it was dangerous.

When I finally reached the dumpster, I used all of my strength to pull the dumpster out to get to it. I opened it atleast 2 or 3 feet before panting. Dang! That thine is heavier then it looks! I looked down at the ground and sighed. All it was, was a cracked canister with neon green ooze slowly dripping out of it. I should've just walked away, but I was curious. I went and picked it up, then sat on the ground near the ooze.

It was really interesting looking. Before I could take a second glance at it, u felt some of the ooze on the ground reach my leg and some of the ooze dripped out onto my hand. I groaned. "Just great." I muttered. I layed the canister on my stomach, and grabbed a wipe laying near the floor. Before I knew it, a cat jumped in top of my stomach, trying to get it off of me, but actually got it all over us!

"Stupid cat!" I yelled and tapped the cat. But what I was never expecting in a million years happened. Right when my hand collided with the cats fur, I fell a spark of energy spark throughout my entire body. I screamed, though the hard pounding rain made it quite silent. The pain was excruciatingly painful! My bones started to twist and turn, I felt my finger nails actually growing, my skin stretched and my heart started beating faster than I thought was even possible. Then, the pain and spark stopped all together. The cat hissed and ran away into the suprisingly empty. I sighed and face palmed myself. But it felt weird, kind of...fuzzy. I looked down at my hands and my eyes widened in disbelief.

My hands looked cat like! They were fuzzy and I had incredibly long sharp nails! Atleast eight inches! I stood up, hyperventilating and was searching for any type of mirror I could use to look at myself. I eventually found a shard of a mirror when the rain began to stop and looked at myself with it. Again my eyes had widened.

I WAS A HALF HUMAN, HALF CAT FREAK! Instead of my human ears on each side of my head, I grew them on top of my head! My fur was the same shade as my hair, auburn, and I had whiskers and a cat nose.

To add insult to injury, I noticed a tail on my lower back and I could've fainted anytime soon. But I didn't. I knew I wasn't dreaming when I felt my tail wagging. I squeezed my eyes shut and started repeating over and over again, "This isn't happening, this isn't happening, this isn't happening, this isn't happening" over and over again. I looked back into the shard of a mirror and saw my cat ears going back into my head, my human ones coming back again. My claws and paws quickly retracted into a regular pair of hands again, my fur diminishing, my whiskers disappearing, and my tail gone as well. I looked around to see if anyone noticed.

The rain then stopped, leaving me confused and scared.

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