Chapt. 18: Fell In Love

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The night came and we were called to get on set. They talked with us about stuff, what should we do and other things. Meaghan and some others went to canoes and stayed there waiting.. Joe Kevin and all of them were already sat by the fire and me and Nick were off the set to walk inside.. the action came and we started walking hand in hand towards the fire

He sat on a log and I sat next to him. Putting his arms around me, he smiled and I smiled back just when he started singing..

- "So lets sing na, na na na na, hey ya.."

We started singing and I swear to god that he was the only thing I saw.. he was like a prince charming to me.. his curly hair was perfect.. his eyes were deep.. he looked like a prince.. except he chosed a frog and not a beautiful princess..

- Cut!! Demi!! You have to smile!! - The director yelled - Is everything okay?

I nodded - Sorry sir.. I got distracted..

- Okay.. lets do this again..

We started all over again and I tried my best to smile and look like it was everything okay..

Everything went well and we finished the movie. I was going to miss this.. I knew this was probably the last one..

We went all to bed since the next day we were hanging out all together.. we could either stay in the campus or go out. I still had no plans.. maybe just hang out with people

The only thing I knew right now is that, Nick asked me to go with a dress tonight to the "Camp Star". He refused to say why but I didn't fighted back..

I got a blue dress and a cardigan on top. It was a cute dress actually.. it had a black line around my waist and it was super tight.. I walked to the "Camp Star" with my high heels on my hands and when I arrived, I put them on

After a while waiting, he showed up in a black suit..

- Are you going to tell me why are we dressed like this? - I asked smirking as he walked towards me

- Well.. it's our last night ever here you know?.. It is special no?

I smiled and he sat next to me - Yeah.. I'll miss this

He smiled and took my hand - You look beautiful

Blushing, I hid my face with my hair and turned my face away - Thank you.. You are always handsome so..

He chuckled and got up again - Come with me

I stood up as he pulled me by the hand towards the stage. He let go of my hand and turned some soft lights on. They were very discrete and gave somewhat a romantic vibe to the stage..

He then got closer to the computer and put on a slow song.. It was one from this Camp Rock.. "You're My Favorite Song"

- My lady?? - he asked bowing with his hand out

I took it and he pulled me against him wrapping his arm around my waist really tight. Our other hands were stretched a little out like the tango dancers use to dance and my ear was against his chest, right in his heart..

I closed my eyes listening to the melodies our voices made.. This was perfect...

The music ended and it started "Different Summers" by me.. I chuckled and looked up - Which one will you remember Shane? This summer or the one before?

- I think I like this one better Mitchie.. - He smiled

- Oh really? And why is that?

He looked away a little with an amused smile and then looked back at me.. - I kinda think Dana likes me more than Nate

I laughed and shook my head - That's it! No more slow dancing for you!

He chuckled and grabbed my waist making me giggle.. he was so funny with his stupid jokes

- No! please! Don't go!!

- You're "Gonna Get Caught" Shane! If I see you with her, we'll leave it "On The Line" - I said as he laughed loudly

- Well, "Tonight", "Please Be Mine" 'cause you leave me "Paranoid" and I love it!

- Well played Jonas.. - I glared

He leaned in and kissed me softly as my hands got to his chest. His heart was beating really loud and fast.. maybe mine was too!

- Please "Fly With Me" Demi..

I smiled bitting my lip - Like Peter Pan and Wendy?

He smiled - That was probably one of the most beautiful songs I've made you know?

- Really?

- The person about it is even more beautiful!

I smiled - You make my knees jelly Nick - I giggled kissing him

- You take my breath away everyday so were even

I love his sweet talk.. he's probably the most romantic person I've ever met! People say it's Kevin but they really don't know how sweet and caring Nick is.. he's a true prince charming..


Demi looked beautiful tonight and I couldn't take my eyes off of her.. a little bit more into the night, she took of her high heels and we fooled around running away from each other or pretending we were some of the cast members.. it was funny to see her do stupid stuff..

We came to a point where we were completely exhausted so we laid next to each other catching our breaths in the middle of the stage.. we stared at the stars and pointed at them..

- Well.. Joe, Kevin and Meaghan will go out the campus tomorrow.. do you want to have a proper date with me?

She smiled up putting her hands on my chest - I would love too.. where to?

- We could go to the movies or bowling.. what do you want?

- The bowling. It looks more fun..

I smiled - Whatever you want babe

She looked down and then back up - You are the best person I could ever ask for in my life.. Thank you so much for staying..

I leaned down and kissed her. She pulled herself up in my arms a little and kissed me with more intensity.. I rolled so I could be on top of her and she smiled at me - I love you..

I kissed her again - I love you too babe.

Demi and I had talk about that virginity thing a while ago.. we were both sure we wanted to wait a little at least 'till our 17th birthday.

We also talked about being public.. At first, she was a bit scared but she accepted in doing it after the movie.. we were both really secure we wanted to be with each other because this.. this is what love is to me.. I feel like I really love her

I may be only 15 but to me.. what I felt for Demi was different than what I felt towards Miley.. it was much deeper.. of course Miley will always have a place in my heart since she was my first love, but Demi.. she's different.. she makes me wanna sing and smile all day.. she's on my mind every single day!

I fell in love.. I fell for her..

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