Chapt. 7: Meeting New People

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The next day, we had a call from our manager saying we had to do a photoshoot for camp rock. Of course I felt happy the second he said that! It's has only been a week but I'm already missing her!!

We went all back to Toronto that night and stayed at a hotel. I texted Demi probably all night..

When I finally reached the building, I calmed myself down.. Geez! I never felt like this with Miley!

I walked inside and the lady in the entrance led me to a room

Just when the woman opened the door, I saw Demi's face lit up. She ran to me and hugged me right away

- I missed you!

I chuckled and patted her back - I missed you too Dems

The woman smiled at me and went inside. She told me to put my stuff in a table and that in ten minutes, hair and make up would come here

She closed the door behind her and I threw my stuff to the table

Demi and I talked for a while and then two women came inside. One of them introduced herself as Jane and took me to the mirrors and the other was Abigail. I watched Demi and her talk about clothes as Jane started to paint my face with weird women stuff..

Demi changed her clothes in the bathroom and then we changed places..


They prepared my hair and make up and after that, cthey both left. I took that as my opportunity to cover up my scars

Since Nick was still in the bathroom and I had tons of make up to help me, I took of the bracelets and started pouring foundation in my wrists.. I put tons of it and the door flew open making me jump a little

- Where is it?! - he yelled frantically

I turned around and saw Nick shirtless looking for something

- No!!! Come on!

- What's wrong?

He stood up from behind the couch - Huh.. nothing

I put on a "Oh Really??" face and he sighed

- Your gift... I can't find it..

- Nicholas! - I said unbelievably

- Sorry?

He started searching again and I helped.. It had to be somewhere

- Are you sure you had it today?

- Of course I am! I never take it of!!

I smiled and watched him looking for a little while before going back to searching

I found it and shook my head - Really Nicholas?

- What?

I got closer to him and smirked putting my hands on his shoulders - Put your hands on your ass

He lifted an eyebrow - What?

I rolled my eyes and went there myself taking off the bracelet from his back pocket

- You're welcome

He smirked - Now I can say that Demi Lovato touched my butt!! Yeaaaah!!

I laughed and turned around while he walked back to the bathroom

That day was fun and I couldn't believe how funny Nick became.. maybe he was just much more close to me so he felt more free..

He smiled a lot too which made me also smile since I loved his..

Sadly everything that's good probably ends and that day ended quickly... fortunately for me, I discovered I was making an album and the Jonas Brothers would help me with it

They invited me for their tour.. the "Burnin' Up Tour" and I was excited

It was a long month but it was also quick since I had my best friends working with me

Today was July 4th and it was the day I would go on tour.. it was amazing to see how big the buses were! I had a bus only for myself and that blew me away!

I entered and set my stuff trying to make me feel more at home. Selena Gomez was actually with me through some cities!

- This is such a good jump in your career! I'm so happy for you! - She smiled

- Me too!

We talked for a little while and then the bus stopped. Looking out the window, I saw a big house.. where were we?


I saw the buses stop in front of our house so I ran downstairs already with my guitar and suitcases.

- Wooow Nicholas!! Calm down! - my mom giggled

- Sorry.. I'm just excited

She laughed and came closer to me hugging me - You guys are so big now!

- Mom don't start! It's just for a few months!

- I know, I know.. sorry

She pulled away and Joe came downstairs too with his stuff

We both walked out to our bus and Kevin came behind us.

I walked inside and saw the same bis we always had.. it still had our posters and clips.. our guitars.. everything!

Minutes later, I walked out of the bus to knock on Demi's. I wanted to see her before going out..

- Hi!

I looked up and saw a beautiful girl with dark brown hair.. she wasn't Demi.

The girl was beautiful and her voice was really sweet! I felt myself falling in love for her



Demi came behind and smiled at me - Nick!!

She hugged me and I patted her back - Good to see you Dems! Are you excited?

She pulled back - Of course I am! We'll see each other everyday again!!

I chuckled and she hugged me.. I looked over her shoulder and saw the other girl smiling and completely red.. was she blushing? Why?

- Oh I almost forgot! Nick this is my other best friend, Selena Gomez.. Sel, this is Nick Jonas..

She smiled - Nice to meet you!

- Nice to meet you too..

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