Chapt. 15: I..

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It's 11 p.m. and I'm in my bed clouded with questions.. I shouldn't have done this.. I should've waited..

I ruined the most important relationship I've ever had. Nick was so special to me and I ruined it.. it crashed down into pieces in just a few seconds

Now.. as I waited for the midnight where everyone is already asleep, I question what does he need to say to me..

What will happen when I see his face at midnight.. will he be mad? sad? angry?.. or will he be sorry..

I knew one thing for sure.. I could not get back with him.. he lost my trust.. he called me crazy and shoved my heart like it was nothing.. he treated me like I was some creature with 4 heads..

I looked at my clock and saw it was 11:46 p.m.

Time to go..

I stood up and cleaned the tears that were falling quickly from my face.. I missed him.. he hurt me badly..

Putting a blanket over my back, I put my shoes on and picked up my flashlight and walked out my door..

I looked over at his cabin and saw no movement.. I can't lie.. I'm really nervous!

I took a deep breath and walked down towards the lake. Skipping through the small bushes, I reached the meeting point.

I sat on a chair and pulled my legs against me. The blanket was now covering me completely.. It was cold and I felt my face freeze with the tear marks.

I leaned my head against my knees and waited for him. It wasn't to long when I hear footsteps and he was sitting next to me

- Hi..

I looked up in front of me avoiding his face. Resting my chin on my knees, I asked - What do you want?

He started shacking his leg nervously - Hi for you too Nick.. how are you?! - he said in a girly voice - Oh!! I'm hood Demi thank you so much for asking

I looked at him - Quit the game.. go straight ahead

He looked back - Want me to go straight ahead?

I nodded as his eyes scared the shit out of me

- Yes

- The tell me.. how would you react if I told you that I was cutting myself in the wrists and starving my self

- Well.. I certainly wouldn't walk away like you did!

He shook his head - Yeah.. I'm the bad guy here..

I took a deep breath through my nose and let it out - Can I go back to bed now?

Funny how before, I wanted to stay here forever.. I was never tired of our talks and silly stuff.. now I can't wait to go back to bed..

- What is happening?

I looked at him and he slowly rested his forehead in his hands..

Great question.. we're breaking up? we're trying to get back? we're trying to hate each other?

What am I doing here?

- I don't know.. why did you said for us to meet here? to break up? make up? I don't understand..

He shook his head locking his hands behind his neck - I don't know.. I..

I waited a few minutes in silence

- You scared me.. so bad - he said lifting his head.

He looked straight in my eyes and in them, I could see fear and some tears coming.. He really looked like a scared little boy.

- And I still love you but.. this..

I looked down at my knees - Is too much..

He nodded - Yes..

I felt my own tears coming.. I didn't wanted for it to end.. what we had was special to me.. it was incredible and I loved it..

- You can't even try can you?

He looked back up at me - You want for me to try what?

I shrugged - I don't wanna be rude but.. You didn't even tried to accept it.. you didn't tried and that shows that I don't mean that much to you..

He swallowed and frowned.. this was the pure truth.. He didn't even tried to help..

- I didn't did I?..

- You just walked away.. - I whispered as my voice cracked

- Demi..

I shook my head and let some tears fall - You better say something good.. I can give you one more chance.. but things won't ever be what they were.. do you want it? Or you can't do it?

He dropped his head - I..








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