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Loneliness is a feeling. I've been in a room full of people and felt completely alone. In fact, every party at the palace was just me standing alone in a room. I rarely worked in the kitchens in the evening, just a bit of help for the kitchen. We were there as props. A show of wealth for the king and his family. Pretty things taped against the wall that no one really noticed but if we weren't there, they'd notice. So I'd always feel alone. More than usual. Until, at a formal breakfast the night after a welcoming party, te crown prince of Sparta stared at me. Then it was just us. Its been just us ever since. Now? I'm alone again. He won't want me after what I've done. The irony is that we've both betrayed one another, but Harry still has growing to do. That selfish, self important, high tempered boy still lived in that man. I could see that.

What did I expect? I wasn't cut from this cloth. I don't belong in this world. I've almost died and gotten at least one man executed in just a few days in this city. My bones ran cool. Death. I'd invited it into all our lives the minute I snuck into the sept. What if I'd been caught? Who would believe I was the prince's envoy? I would have been flogged severely. I'd lost my logic and made a mess. Now I have to fix it.

  "Where are we going?" I finally spoke after silently sitting in the carriage for a while.

I don't know what expression was on my face but it must have been worrying.

"Look- you don't want to see it when it happens" Harry's cousin said with a worried look in his eyes.

"I want to be with him"

Prince Harry

The feeling that you can do whatever you want corrupts me. I've tried to make restraint my friend. Restraint from stepping on those subordinate to me, restraint from being a warmongering Spartan...Restraint from taking what I want when I want it.

All gone.

I can taste his blood.

It sputters and splatters as I land blow, after blow. All the rumors about me being the man my father should have been are lies. Now, as I kill my first man.. I know that it is me. I feel every muscle in my arms coil tighter with each blow.



There was no other thought in my mind other than that one. I am just a horrible as the tree I fell from. Not my mothers eyes or dimpled cheeks could save me from my fathers murderous rage. There's nothing that I couldn't do while angry. I'd kill again.

"MY LORD!!" One soldier yelled from the outside of the arena "FINISH THIS MY LORD" He then threw his long sword into the dirt infromt of my feet. The crowd erupted with joy and blood curtailing shrieks.  

I picked up the sword. Ready to end it completely now.

From the other end of the arena, Mercutious was thrown a short sword from another soldier.

"Go on boy. Kill me" He spat covered in blood

I gripped the sword hard in my hands, ready to thrust it deep into his ribs when-

"NOOOO!" The cry from Diogenes was so loud, silence fell among the audience.


The voice of the old begger rang in my ears.

I dropped my sword.   

I'm back. Long chapters coming soon.

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