Sleeping beauty

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I finished the story with "The End". The little girl was fighting sleep very hard.

"Another." She yawned.

"Alright Cassy" I say sternly. "One more story will turn to 10."

"No uncle Harry. I just can't sleep yet."

"Why not?"

"Because if I close my eyes, I'll never see you again" she said worriedly.

"That's not true.", I frowned.

"Last time I saw you I was this many- now I'm this many" she held up 7 fingers and then 10.

"Well it won't be that long this time."

"Ok uncle Harry. Goodnight."

"Goodnight Cassy"

She wrapped her arms around my neck...

"I promise"

"She loves you, you know. Always asks about you" I passed her as I walked out of her room.

"She'd love you too, if you'd let her."

"I'll have the neck of her nanny" she gripped. I turn and look at her. She's leaning against the wall. Her skinny arms across her chest.

"Maybe if you payed some damn attention to your kid you'd know she hates her boring nanny.

"I have my reasons-"

"She's just a child."

"Do you know- you don't understand-"

"I understand that you left her up here all by herself. She's scared of the dark. You should have been here, you're just selfish."

"Selfish? I snuck her out of Sparta! They would have killed her if..if"

"You treat her like a burden. She's smart you know. She knows you're ashamed of how she looks. You're a cold hearted bitch."

"Shut up! Shut the hell up right now! don't understand." She tries to push me but I barely move from her impact. Tears fall down her cheeks and I watch astonished. I've never seen my cousin offer so much emotion. She never cried. Ever. Not even as a child... She's calming down now. Catching her breath.

"You-you don't get it."

"I had to marry my brother. They gave us no choice...they said this would happen...the disease..the sickness she was born with. They told me- when she came out..that she wasn't breathing. And I was relieved...because I wasn't ready to be a mother. What an evil thought I had...But then- she cried." She had tears running down her face and a sad smile as she looked back.
"They put her in my hands and I knew I could do it...but then I saw her face. The nurses were shocked- disappointed. "Oh what a shame" they said. "We will prey for another one." It didn't register to me then what they meant until the nurse tried to take her from me. They would have killed her- in Sparta. They would have thrown her over the cliffs with all the other imperfect children. But I couldn't do it. She never hurt anyone...everything I did and still do is for her."

I knew the story already. I didn't care. Keeping Cassy locked up in a tower away from everyone was terrible. She's not my child so I couldn't stop it. And I couldntcsay all I wanted to so with Percy around. Just out of respect for my brother. I know he loves his daughter and he feels bad for never loving his wife so he lets her run the house how she wants, let's her make all the decisions about Cassy. Too bad she's a shit decision maker.

I turn to look at her and she's sitting on Cassys bedside, stroking her hair.


I make my way back to the hall. Pulling the hard gold crown off my head and smoothing my hair out before putting it back on. I hope Hari can handle the rabble out there. She caused quite a stir when she came out.

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