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Mata Hari POV

Weeks had passed since Harry had taken me in his childhood bedroom during a parting.
I decided I would just forget about what had happened and the prince. The first week I'd sobbed in bed silently each night but kept my composure in front of him. That offer he'd made me still whipped through my thoughts from time to time. He wanted me... not me infact my body. My body he'd made do things I'd never even dreamt of. Things that inspired tears and terrible butterflies in my stomach. I'd forget my birthday and I'd forget that he'd kissed me in the secret spring.

It was just him doing what he always does, being selfish. Doing everything for his own self interest and not caring who he stepped on. I traveled out deep into the garden. So deep I was at the weeping willow tree next to a pond of candy fish. There was a board stool out there and I took this opportunity to take this new book
and find a nice place to read. I brushed the leafs off the rickety board and sat under the shade of the tree. It felt good to get out of the sun. I sat and opened this book up. Before I could even finish the first paragraph I heard rustling.

I couldn't believe it! He followed me again? I flashed back to last night, remembering all the things I wanted to forget. Remembering how he didn't take his eyes off me when having lunch with the general's daughter.

"Just leave me the FUCK alone!" I say as tears fall over the levies of my eyes.

A small, confused, black cat made its way out of the brush. She meowed and licked her paw before cocking her head to the side at me.

"Oh..kitty, it's just you." I said sniffing and wiping my nose with the back of my hand.

"Come come kitty" she trotted over to me and hopped up on my lap. She licked her paw and swatted at the pages. I calmed down and scratched behind her ears. Another rustling in bush came to my attention.

"You came with a friend kitty?" I asked smiling down at her.

"What do you mean?" A girls voice sounded distressed.

"I just can't do it" a deeper male sounding voice said in the distance. It sounded as though they were getting closer..

Uh oh, I didn't want to explain why I was here or have an awkward run in with whoever it was so I grabbed my book and my kitty and ran behind the tree.

I shushed the cat.

"I'm sorry"

"Don't! How do you think that makes me look?! Throwing myself at a man who doesn't want me!" The girl sobs

"Sorry I just not in the mood"

"What are you impotent?"

"Yea I'm impotent. I got that way as soon as I lay eyes on you" he said angrily. "You're not as perfect as you think babygirl"

"Last night you told me you wanted me" she sounded hurt.

"I can't even remember your name" Harry chuckled. With that there was more rustling and the girl sobbing as the girl ran away.


Usually when girls would come into the palace he'd be very nice to them. It was the only time he was nice. And I didn't think he was the type of man to turn down sex. She was a pretty enough girl after all..

I thought for a moment about how he'd given me my first kiss and I bit him. All that shit he said about wanting me again. He wasn't doing this because of me was he? He wasn't really impotent was he? Well it serves him right if he is though. I leaned against the tree trunk wondering what would make him change his heart that way when...

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