The Rose Room

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Prince Harry POV

We road up to the large, polished golden gates of Knossos.
My great great great grandfather had it built after the Trojan war. Corinth provided soldiers and lumber for the horse that lead to their win. We've been allies ever since and some Spartan royalty married some Corinth nobility. I used to think it was the stupidest thing that my great great great grandfather started a goddamn war because some guy stole his wife. Now it makes perfect sense. Perfect, selfish sense. I'd never tell her this because she would hate it completely but I'd burn down any city to protect her. The same way my great great great grandfather Menelaus burned down Troy. The only difference is Helen wanted nothing to do with Menelaus and he wanted her for his own selfish pride and ego, while Hari talks about me in her sleep and I'm crazy about her.

I used to spend summers here in Corinth. I was only a child so I never got to see this part of the city, this crazy, scary part. It was becoming more of a slavers bay than what I remember. They never used to be deep within the city like I saw today, they stayed more on the shores. I wasn't supposed to step in, I had no business purchasing all those people. I've got to be an example for my soldiers, and I've been so stressed during this trip it was hard to let loose. I damn near got in a fight yesterday! If it wasn't for Ander clocking Hector in the jaw I would have. And when I start...I don't stop.
I'd almost allowed myself to relax but then Percy steps out. It took every fiber if my being to not roll my eyes at him. Who wears a damn saber fur in the middle of summer? He's always been so extra. The wide smile on his face told me that I definitely wasn't getting any brakes this trip. But I'd lying if I said I didn't miss the flamboyant bastard.
I hopped off my horse as our horses were let into the huge compound.
This house was just as big and over the top as I'd remembered.
Huge pillars holding up a 30 ton roof, 4 fountains just in the front alone, the gate if course was gold as well. If it wasn't for the historic backing, this place would look stupid to everyone and not just me. After my Uncle died he left this place to his son, Perseus. My cousin...

The man who was stroking a cat lovingly as if it was his very own child.

"Haz, nice of you to drop bye after 9 years" He said snakily.

"Nice to see you too Perseus" he glared at me for a second and pulled a long dagger from that ridiculous fur pelt. He swiftly runs up and pressed the cold blade against my throat. I don't move.

"I could end you right all the blood leak out of that pretty little blonde head of yours"

Behind me, I could feel every Spartan behind me ready their spears and draw swards and axes.

"No please.." I can hear Hari whisper behind me. Persy's crazy eyes slowly touch on the girl wrapped in fabric on top of our horse.

"Don't want to get that fur stained do you?" I said, grabbing his attention from Mata Hari.

He pauses, the whole scene is quiet and the tension can be scraped with a knife.
Persy's stupid crazy face cracks and he starts laughing. I push him back and start laughing too. He's always playing a gag. He's been messing with everyone this whole time.

"You're still a stupid brave sun of a bitch" by now we were hugging it out, much to the confusion of everyone around us who were probably so confused.

I grabbed Hari by the waist and helped her down. Even through the vail I could tell she was biting her lip.

"Welcome to THE palace Knossos"

I held in the snicker, if it wasn't for me knowing for a full fact he was one if the only people I knew could take me in a fight, I'd be way less cautious. He definitely doesn't look like he'd be skilled with a double sided sword or a brilliant navy captain, but he was...even with the blush he was so sure no one noticed.

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