His fiance.

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Chapter 15


A bride for the prince. HOW could I be so stupid as to think this could really work. why did I allow myself to be built so high just to come crashing back down?

How could I ever think I could be his with him . Who did I think I was? The next princess of Greece? Silly little girl.

I felt Harry hold my shoulder and shake me a little. I couldn't look at him. I found my legs and tryed to walk away befor I started to cry. He grabbed my arm. I pulled at his grip. I pulled and pulled but he wouldn't let me go. He wrapped his arms around me and caged me to his chest I couldn't take it anymore and buried my face into his chest and started balling. I just stood and cryer hot tears into his chest.
I hate crying in front of people. I said I would never cry over him again. I'm much stronger than this I told myself
I pulled back.
"Did you know about this?" I whispered through my tears.

He stuttered and his gaze didn't meat mine.
"You did didn't you? Damn it Harry."
He didn't answer.
"keep your voice down, pleas. My mother has been bringing women from all of Greece to be with me. She thought they would make me behave myself. she thought it would calm me down."
I started walking away I couldn't believe it.
He followed after me.
"It's nothing. I'm not interested... Your all I want." He grabbed me and locked his fingers into my hair.

I turned away from his kiss.
"Someone will see." I said pushing him away by his cheat.

"Let them see" he said sucking his teeth.
He gave me one of those kisses that make my knees buckle and the hairs on the back of my neck stand up staight.


I calmed Mata Hati down, she said she had to go.
I went to go find my father.
I didn't think it through until I found him and a lump grew in my throught. He is my father after all.
I opened my mouth to speak, but he interrupted me.

We talked battle strategies. He wants to find alliance with the Spartans.
He told me we needed to get public support for the war, which will drain our country for a while.

Damn Persians. What do they want from us? We were challenged without reason. They wish to see us burn.

Father says kill them all. A Persian killed his best friend during an earlier war. This war was almost like justice to him in my opinion.
The Olympics begin next week and Alexander is entering. I'm helping him get prepared. He's been a close friend to me for years.

I'll come to this marriage road when I get there. I hate to think that. It's not even a problem, it's out of the question. I have a lot on my plate and I'm not adding more.


I was with the queen, she was helping me with the tapestry she was doing. This one was quite big and intercate. She must be very afraid of the war comeing.

"War." she said frowning.
" Where children are forced to grow up and women are forced to bury there sons and husbands. Can we have one damn second without the drums of war sounding."

"Lower your voice your grace." I said attempting to calm her.

"Let them hear!" She said sucking her teeth.

That's Harry's mother alright

"My husband knows how I feel, all of Greece should know how I feel! I love him so much...I just can't lose him again... I'm just glade I have you" she said laying her pale hand against my brown cheek, she then began adjusting Athena's eye.
I has been her right hand woman since I was small.
She got me a Teacher who taught me how to read and write and do math.

The Prince's Mistress Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant