Run away

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It was the first day of harvest and the very beginning of everything.

I laughed dipping my toes into the crystal clear waters of the blue Spartan sea. The water is finally warm enough to be in. I'm the only one on the beach though. Everyone is happy and excited for warmth coming back. The city was a buzz with people singing and yelling poetry..
"The sun leapt up put of the lovely bay, high into the brazen sky, to give light to the deathless gods and to mortal men all over the fruitful earth..."  Everyone's in a really good mood, which is rare here. Especially after a long and cold winter where the sky had a constant vail of black over it. A gray sky day was welcomed. Not to mention the king being away fighting foreigners.
But today the sky is blue and the waves felt good on my bare feet. I could hear the gulls baying in the distance. Nona calls them rats with wings but I think they're lovely..

With their wide gliding wings able to spread and sore far away.

Today is the day of my birth, that's why I'm here at the beach alone. Nona had given me the day off from my chores at the palace, and the queen told me not to see here this morning with a sly wink. To make it mean even. She said she'd cover my chores. I insisted she didn't, explaining that she is quite old, but that didn't help. In fact it made her give one of those warning looked and I decided to give in and leave when she waved a sandal in my direction. It's very customary in Sparta to pay someone a kindness while jesting them.

You see we work in the palace here in Sparta, I am the Queen's hand maiden and Nona was lead in the kitchen staff. She made sure the royal family was never in want of olives, fenugreek, apples, and green leafy things.  Sparta is the most beautiful state, Especially here in the  valleys by the sea. The water cooled the earth in the winter to snowfall and warmed it to a sweltering pitch in the spring. The olive trees accented beautifully with the blooming orchids. The country is quiet and lovely. The city is loud and fast but equally as beautiful. I stick out like a huge red thumb here. Nona and all the other people in the palace was born in Greece, Greeks. They all had olive skin and light brown hair. The woman were all pink cheeked and red lipped

But not me.

My origins are still as mysterious as ever. All I know is when I was around 6 I was cold and alone in Greece and Nona found me and took me home.

I didn't LOOK Greek either, I have long black hair that dangles top of my bottom, I have skin the color of chocolate and mahogany eyes. I have full lips and almond eyes framed by long lashes and I have full pinkish lips. When Nona would take me out and people would ask where I was from she'd say "what do you mean? She's speaking plain Greek isn't she" then she'd add something cheeky that would make the person feel stupid for asking. She was good at making people reevaluate everything that had ever believed.

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