The House of the Undying part 2

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I watched her shaky hands pick up her clothes... She's so confused and hurt. Her body acks.. She runs for over a mile to the sea line, letting the waves crash on her body. I never knew where she went that night.

"I hate him...I hate him...I hate him" she whimpers into the below freezing waters.

There's something about this room, I can feel everything she felt. Her cocktail of emotions was hurting me quite literally. I clutched at my stinging chest. This really hurts

It's not real

"I've made mistakes" I feel myself saying more than I want to, I physically feel compelled to speak. That bastard what did he do to me?

"But it wasn't the first time, was it?"

With another wave of his arm we were in the bathhouse watching her get attacked by Ayyah and her sisters.. Then another wave of his arm, we were in the Basilica watching me kiss Ayyah. I shook my head, trying to bring myself to my feet but I'm too weak to stand up.

"I wonder what's in your mind prince Harrious"

"Go to hell" I growl

"Come now your grace, I've seen into the girls mind. I know all your secrets, and a few of hers I might add."

"Let her go, she has nothing you want"

I swear to the gods of he hurt her.

"Let her go with you? That seems worse to me" he says with a sickening chuckle.

"And you really think she'll want to stay here with you?" I smirk up at him "you've seen into her head, you know she won't stop fighting. She's too smart."

I can tell this angered him, his big dark eyes blazing.

"She will learn to like it here"  his many voices rang out.

"In a filthy, half ass smoke and mirrors brothel? You must be out of you're goddamn mind if you think I'm going anywhere without her" I find enough strength to stand up and face the small man. His eyes shown with fear for a moment.

"Impossible" he bares his filthy teeth at me.

"Let her go and I won't have you hung from the gallows"

"What is one girl to you whom have inspired limericks? You know the law, you know what will happen when people find out about this taboo-"

"What do you want with her anyway?" I yell. I'm getting impatient. Why would he need her when he had a house of willing whores to use.

His lip twitched and his hands retreated back into his coverings

"I have my reasons, just like you have yours..." He hoods his head with his cloak.

"You can doubt my abilities all you wish but I have seen what there is to be seen and you will be that girls ruin, it is for seen." This announcement makes my head buzz like its full of flies. "No matter what you do or how you try, you will always bring pain to the woman you love..." pauses for a second before finishing with "just like your father"

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