The Prince of the People

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I just stood there like an idiot.

Vivid memories of my betrayal flooded my mind

Hari looked so scared walking out. Her curls falling loose from their hair clip. She looked more like a doe then ever. She pulled her book to her chest and walked out.

Damn..I'm going have to fix things later...


I hadn't seen Ayyah in years and the idea that we were supposed to be "together" made me uncomfortable and agitated. But my mother didn't take no for an answer from anyone , especially me. It was so obvious that she set this up. She invited me to the library as a trick to get me to spend time with her. Well played.

"Well isn't this nice" my mother smiled at me. I said nothing as she moved from between us so we were standing side by side. My back was stif and I was far too aware of every movement I or she made.

"You know I should really get back to my war tapestry." My mother said rapping her chin. I should have known this was a total set up. I should have  known she'd recruit my grandmother to make sure I came right away.

Now I'm surrounded by books and awkwardness.

I pleaded with my mother with my eyes, begging her not to leave.

"I'm sure you'll have no problem showing her around the palace, son" She winked and was quickly out of the library. The silence in the room is daunting suddenly she broke the silence with laughter.

"This is so awkward"

"Y-yea I guess it is" I said avoiding her eyes.

"Don't let this whole engagement..throw you off" she smiled at me and I loosened up.

"Let's get out of here" she said walking to the window and looking out of it.

"What?" I was thrown off.

"I know what a palace looks like! I've seen 1000 and they all look the same...I want to see Greece."

She's different from when I lat saw her. She's tall and pale, her dark brown hair was curled tight and pinned up. She's skinny as well. She was an average looking girl but her face was indeed stunning. Her skin like smooth porsalin and her lips shaped like a heart.

I still couldn't forget what she'd done to Hari but this didn't seem to be the same girl who pushed her down and embarrassed her in the bath house.

"I guess I could show you around.." I said.


We took her carriage. It wasn't so much a carriage as it was a big box being hoisted up by four big men. I have a feeling they aren't here vaulentarily. I started thinking about her father and how he created a slave house inside the palace. It started to irk me that I had to marry this girl who was probably just as horrid as her father. It makes sense with what she did to Hari, and Hari had never said two words to her. And telling by the way Hari looked so afraid in the library, she's still the same. Why did I come with her? I should have told her to fuck off and left her in that dusty ass library. I should be with my dad right now. Summer is nearly over and I'm still not decided yet..

The idea of going to wast for months on end was the least appealing thing in this world. Never had I truly been afraid to die. I started thinking about the Persian messenger who was currently a corpse at the bottom of the palace well.

"Are you always this quiet?" She asked smiling at me.

"Only when I'm bored" I said honestly. Her smile faded but she didn't seem discouraged. She gazed at me curiously up and down.


We ended up going to the Olympic shows. With all that had been happening I hadn't had time to even enjoy or participate in the games. Between Hari and preparing for this war I really hadn't had time to do anything. I used to be social. Probably too social. And by that I mean I'd been sleeping with a lot of women. They filled a void for me I guess. Father had been away on a crusade against the phoenicians and mother had Nobel guests coming in and out and I'd always sleep with their daughters, if they were around my age. Most of them just wanted to be able to brag that they had bedded the prince but I didn't care. I use them and they use me. In fact if it had been a year or so ago I would have already fucked Ayyah by now...


Sorry for the long wait guys, longer chapter coming soon bonibells❤️❤️

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