The Trouble Magnet In The City Of Bones

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I couldn't sleep. Maybe it was the loud horn like snoring of Harry, maybe it was the incessant chatter of crickets or my wondering mind. I lay with Harry's arm around me, staring up at the tent roof. I made my way out of the tent while everyone was asleep.
I'd snuck out. Just because we were out didn't mean I didn't want to be clean. I seriously just wanted to wash my hair and face. This was our last day out here and Corinth could be seen just past the trees in the distance. My muscles ached and my fingers hurt from gripping on to Harry as we rode for hours and hours. I'd never get used to riding a horse...
The fire was still up and blazing but the soldiers all slept peacefully around it.

The summer air was warm and breezy. We'd followed a river path for most of this trip up north. We were right next to the river this time. I walked out to it, it was just a few meters from our camp sight. I started by taking my pins out from my hair. I was careful to keep them all together in the low grass, as to not loose them. It was when I started washing my face that I hear rustling. Whoa, I never considered the possibility of mountain lions.
Not even a second later, I decided that was ridiculous and began washing my face again. The cold, crisp, rive water was refreshing.

"Ain't it past bed time.?" Two soldiers were making their way to me.

"I could ask you the same question"

I noticed it was the same soldiers from before. The ones who thought I was a man. The taller pale one had dark brown hair and the slightly shorter more muscular one had hair that hung to his shoulders. Both men had wet hair.

"Late night swim?" I asked. They both kind of looked weirdly at me and the tall one smirked.

"You won't tell, we won't tell" he said

"I don't know man. I might tell" the shorter one said. I could tell he was being playful and thought I would play along.

"Oh? Isn't there a soldier code of honor or something? Seems kind of wimpy to tell on a young lady for washing her face"

The tall one laughed at that. "Even a whore could spot you're bitchness from a mile away"

What did he say?... Even a what?

"Excuse me?" Before I knew it I was crossing the lawn to where they stood.

"Not like being a whore is...bad..but-"

"I've not a whore." I interrupted him and by the looks in their faces they had never been spoken to by a woman like that. "That's not what I'm here for"

"Come on, there's nothing to be ashamed of" the long haired one said

"Haha, yea,- I've always had a taste for...dark meat" he smirked at me.

I felt my spine tingle with rage. Did this pig just refer to me as... "Dark meat"

"So, how much time do I get with you for 10 silver pieces" he spun the coin in his hand and looked me over.

My heart beat erratically in my chest and I bit back the shock. I didn't even think, I just pushed forward. I was ready to get in a fight I had no chance in hell of winning.


Strong arms wrapped around the fist I threw and was holding me back. Dammit.

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