New friends

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Prince Harry POV

I walked back to where I had tied my horse. The bathhouse lost it's appeal.
I had a long day ahead of me.

Training, as alway.

But since the new servants and generals were always coming through, I'd been having to sit through boring strategy meeting.

War was in the air in Greece . Mother threw herself in tapestry and knitting to keep her from thinking about it.

Now it looked like I may go.

They were setting a draft for all the men 18 and up.

I'm only 17 but the way father was making me train, I might as well get fitted for armer.

I got to the palace and went to the kitchen with and empty stomech.

Balbus greeted me with a plate of food.

"What's got you looking like a horses ass boy!" he teased

"The sight of your mug of course." I shot back.

We both laughed, he always could cheer me up.

Hari walked in a bit later. She paused slightly in the kitchen to look at me. She had remorse in her eyes.
Great. she pity's me. She's sleeping with me because she has to.
It was like last night never happened. How did she shake it off so quick? I'd been thinking about it all day...

How warm she was. How she got goosebumps when I kissed her neck,How hers molded perfectly with mine... like they were made for each other... Her body is amazing too. I couldn't get enough of her..

I got chills and my toga got shorter.


I sat at the table longer then I wished to and eat two more rolls then I wanted.
When I was able to finally get up I wandered to fathers strategy room. were he usually was these days.
He wasn't there today,
Instead it was Alexander.General Augusts son and a good friend of mine. The whole reason I threw that big ass party in the first place.

I walked up and started wrapping my hands in linen. He was already stretching and bouncing around ready to fight. 

"Whats the matter with you prettyboy?" He asked

I smirked. 

"Girls" I said simply

"Oh! so what they say about the player of Greece is truth!"

"Well, the one going on now is I'm a Nymph who hypnotizes women into having sex"

"I believe it. How else would a pretty boy like you get any action?, Ha ha well you might as well fight your troubles away."
I laughed, taking my toga off, "I could beat you with a broken leg."
We got in fighting stance in the arena, we spared and as usual he got angry when he couldn't touch me.
There were a few female spectators to show out for. I looked up expecting to see adoring females.
Instead it the first face I saw was a very focused Mata Hari. I got the sense that she was actually watching the fight rather then our bodied.

I got off Alex and tapped out the fight. He nodded thankfully.

I didn't want to walk over there after telling him I had girl problems. Hari and I had to keep up appearances. Her words from earlier replied in my mind. She was right, as she tended to be; we weren't friends.

We didn't need to BE friends. Once the troops marched on Persia, an inevitability it seemed. We'd go back to quiet animosity.

To my surprise, he got up and walked over to her...

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