The library

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I only ate half my breakfast, Tara's stares were making me unconfortable. Is this what girls feel like? I got up quickly from the table.

"Like what you see much?" I asked raising my arms and letting her get a better look at me.

"Y-no I'm s-sorry your grace...i know you don't like girls like me" she said quietly.

She said it in a weird way, but I ignored it and left.

It's super quiet in here today, which is a big contrast to last night. By now my hangover was subsiding and so my irritation. I need to find Hari and apologize for putting her in such a tough spot last night. I needed to thank her for all she does...yah id thank her... id bend her over and thank her over and over and-

"Harrious!" I jumped at the sound of my name. I blushed as my grandmother appeared from behind me. Thank god she can't read minds.

"H-hay gran" I said warmly walking to her and bending down to hug her. She's even shorter than Hari.

"Your mother is expecting you" she commented walking with me.

"Uh..i know gran, I was just on my way there now.." I said

"Oh deary...if your going to be ruler of this county you must learn to lie better" She tapped my arm lightly, shaking her head.

I laughed "yes ma'am I'll get right on that." We walked in comfortable silence to the wing.

When we walked through the winding staircase to where the palace library was. I stayed up here a lot after Hari started hating me. I wouldn't even read half the time I just wanted to be alone and sleep.

We rounded the corner and I saw my mothers back, speaking to someone who was blocking my line of vision.

I frowned and my body stiffened as I rounded the corner.


I was just getting to the part where Gilgamesh and set out to find eternal youth when I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and the murmur of voices. They thought of the awkward interaction made my palms itch.

I had two options. Hide, or sit here like a grown up. They rounded the corner before I could find a suitable hiding place. And once I saw who it was, I wish I had hidden.

In entered The queen, Harry, Harry's grandmother, and Ayyah, who was latched onto Harry's arm. I did everything I could not to look at her. Not to look at the lock of their arms. Harry gave me an apologetic look.

Queen Alaina smiled at me "finally finishing that book I see" I stood up quickly and bowed

"Forgive me your grace I didn't know you were-"

"No worries child! You are the only one who uses this dreary attic anyhow. Nice to see you so relaxed" she is honestly the best. "Oh! How rude of me, this is Allah"

I reluctantly nodded in her direction and stiffened a smile. She smirked at me and tightened her grip on Harry's arm. She's beautiful too. With dark brown hair and porcelain skin. Her presence exudes confidence, the room seemed to grow colder with her presence there. The bookshelves stood at attention, it seemed. In fact we all stood different them our usual way because of her presence. This was her world, and the rest of us just inhabited it..

She looked her icy green eyes on me and parted her rose red lips.


Her teeth were perfectly white and she screamed danger. I didn't know what do. My eyes flashed to Harry but he stood frowning slightly, looking like a dog with his tail between his legs. I smiled again at her.

"Well, we have a lot to discus, some privacy would be lovely" she smiled.

Did she just tell me to leave?

"Oh..oh ok" I then made my way past them and down the stairs, stunned and numb.

Shes going to take him..she's going to be his wife..her

Just as my thoughts became dark and I thought of Harry marrying that cold succubus I remembered what he said. His love. I smiled to myself and hugged the book to my chest. I think I'll go read somewhere sunny.

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