Chapter 18: Honeymoon Vibes🌊

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Time skip to where Tom and Skye are on their honeymoon. They're at a beach house in Malibu, Florida.
Skye Pic

"Hey love, what sounds good for-" Tom says, stopping and swallowing hard when he sees me. "Never mind, you look amazing. Dinner can definitely wait until later."

"I still can't believe we're married." I say to Tom, holding my hand in the air and looking at my wedding ring. "It's all still so surreal, you know?"

"Yeah, I am just incredibly lucky to have an amazing, beautiful, and loving wife like you." Tom says, kissing me on the nose.

"I can't believe I got a sexy, loving, and awesome husband like you." I say, kissing Tom on the lips. "I love you Tom."

"I love you too Skye."

As Tom's making tacos for dinner, I get a text from Gen.

Momma Padalecki🔥: How's the honeymoon going so far?

Skye🌻: Pretty good actually. Tom's making dinner right now.

Momma Padalecki🔥: Should I be expecting any grandbabies anytime soon? 😉

Skye🌻: Ewwww Mom, that's just nasty. Maybe, I don't really know yet. Depends on how Tom feels.

Momma Padalecki🔥: Have fun sweetheart.

Skye🌻: I will, bye Mom.

I put my phone down afterward, and wait patiently for dinner.

"Tom, dinner was awesome." I say as we're gettkng ready for bed. "Thank you for cooking baby."

"You're welcome love, anytime." Tom says, kissing me on the temple before throwing on a pair of loose sweatpants before climbing into bed. I climb in after Tom, and we switch both lamps off. "Goodnight love."

"Goodnight Tom." I snuggle up to Tom's side, and he wraps both arms around me.

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