Chapter 2: Getting Comfortable

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Skye Pob

I wake up the next morning to Gen knocking on my door softly. 

"Skye, breakfast is almost ready." Gen says, and I sit up, stretching and yawning.

"I'll be down in a minute." I reply, getting out before going into my bathroom for a shower.

I quickly wash my hair and face before getting dressed and blow drying my hair. I very quickly put on some mascara and Chapstick before heading downstairs to the kitchen where Odette is sitting at the counter, and Gen is sliding what looks like bacon onto a plate.

"Morning kiddo." Gen says once she notices me sitting next to Odette at the counter. "How'd ya sleep?"

"I slept okay." I sat, thanking Gen when she slides me my plate of biscuits and gravy with a side of bacon and a glass or chocolate milk.

"I was thinking we could get you some stuff today to make you feel more comfortable. It'll be you, me, Odette, Jensen's wife Daneel and their daughter JJ." Gen tells me, and I nod.

"Where's Jared gonna be?" I ask, taking a bite of bacon.

"He's going to be finalizing everything for a convention this weekend, and guess what?" Gen tells me, and I shrug, not knowing. "You get to go too!"

"Are you kidding me? That's awesome." I say, getting down off the stool and hugging Gen. "Thank you so much."

"Alright kiddo, is there anything else you want before we go home so you can pack?" Gen asks, looking at me through the rearview mirrot and I nod.

"Could we please get some Taco Bell?" I ask politely, and Gen smiles.

"Yes we can, thank you for being polite." Gen says, and I return the smile.

"That's how my momma and daddy raised me until they died." I say, pushing back the bad memory. "I have a feeling that my mom would come back and haunt me if I didn't use my manners."

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