Chapter 13.

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Falling for a Lie ~ Chapter 13.

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“Good morning Niall.”

“I want to talk about yesterday.”

“About the… kiss.”

“I like you more than a friend… But I’m not sure about anything more than that, so maybe we could take it slowly?”

Liam sighed and put his head against the mirror. He took a deep breath, straightened up and started again.

“Hey Niall, what’s up?”

His reflection stared back at him.

“Oh, I was also thinking about last night… Do you want to talk about it?”

He shook his head and sat down on the toilet lid. Seriously, practicing in front of the mirror? Worst advice Google had ever given him!

“Maybe something more impulsive…” he mumbled to himself and stood up. He quickly walked close to the mirror and smashed his lips against the smooth surface. He pretended that he was kissing Niall instead of his own reflection and imagined his reaction. He backed away from the mirror.

“No, that’s stupid…” with those words he exited the bathroom and made his way downstairs. He began to put on his jacket and a scarf.

“Liam, did you kiss the mirror?!” his sister called from upstairs when he was tying his shoelaces.

“No!” he yelled back, but before she could point out the evidence he walked out of the door and made his way towards school. It was barely a half an hour walk, but it could be tiring sometimes. Today on the other hand, he was more than happy for the distance because it would give him some more time to think things through.

The sun was caressing his face, but the air was a bit chilly. It was only March after all. Liam took a deep breath - life was good right now, why change and complicate things? Maybe he should just act as if the little kiss never occurred or tell Niall that it was a mistake? No, that would be wrong. And it would be a lie. And why would he lie to Niall when Niall always was so honest with him? That’s something he really liked about Niall; that he was so honest.

When he was about ten minutes away from the school Louis joined him, like he usually did when he had been sleeping at his own house (instead of Harry’s or Zayn’s).

“Hey buddy.” He greeted Liam.

“Good morning.” Liam’s voice was a bit dry from the nervousness that had settled in when he got this close to school, this close to Niall.

“So, how do you feel?”

“Nervous, scared… Excited.” Liam shrugged.

“What are you gonna tell him?” Louis asked, and Liam scratched the back of his head absentmindedly.

“Uh… Something about that I like him but I want to take it slowly… Should I tell him about Nina? Shit… What should I tell Nina?! I told her that I was falling for her!”

Louis furrowed his eyebrows together. “Why on earth did you tell her that?”

“Because I was - I am!” Liam sighed. “I haven’t even thought about this…”

“Why would you even think about that?” Louis asked, his dislike for Nina showing in his voice.

“Because I like her!” Louis sighed and rolled his eyes at Liam’s outburst. “I mean, I like Niall but that doesn’t mean that my feelings for her just disappear.” Liam explained.

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