Chapter 5.

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Falling for a Lie ~ Chapter 5


To be honest, Niall hadn’t really seen himself with clear eyes until now. Explaining his behavior to Liam made him understand himself more than he had ever done before.

He looked up from his book, “Veronika decides to die”, and instead let his eyes settle on Harry and Zayn. They were his best friends, but he wondered how well they really knew him. They rarely talked about things that matter. Liam and he did, when he was “Nina”, and it was easy to talk to Liam about anything.

He had given Liam the advice to give him a chance. Liam had told “Nina” he would, but was that a lie?

Probably not, Liam wasn’t a lying cunt like he was. 

He sighed and read the last sentences in the book before he put it down on the bench beside him.

It was lunch break and Niall had spent the last hour reading the chapters of the book that Liam had nagged him about two days ago. They hadn’t spoke since then.

Speaking of the devil, Liam came walking down the hall, heading his direction. His heart began to thump hard in his chest when Liam’s big brown eyes settled on him. He stopped right in front of Niall, looking down on him.

“I- … would you please stand up so I don’t feel like a giant?”

Niall and Liam exchanged a awkward smile while he rose to his feet.

“You’re taller than me anyway” Niall said and Liam smiled once again, shyly.

“Aaaaawkward~” Harry whispered to Zayn, who chuckled and Niall glared at them.

“So, I’m sorry about the other day, I shouldn’t have barked at you for not reading the book, I was rude and-”

Liam was cut off by Niall;

“It’s okay. I should’ve read the chapters. And I have! So, we could just start up the project whenever”

Liam sighed, relieved.

“So, uh, do you want to, like, meet up tomorrow after school?” Liam ran his hands through his hair and looked at Niall with pleading eyes.

“yeah, sure, why not?” he shrugged.

“Great” Liam said and turned around to leave.

“See ya tomorrow then, Payne!” Niall called after him. He almost made a happy dance when Liam turned around and came back.

“Why do you insist on calling me by my last name?” he asked Niall with a amused smile.

“Oh, you know, ‘Payne’ and ‘pain’, I find it comical.” he shrugged and Liam’s smile grew wider.

“Do you have any good puns, then?” Liam asked.

“You must have a hard time when you have a headache, since you obviously can’t take ‘Payne-killers’, huh?” Niall said with a grin. Liam chuckled and nodded approvingly.

Harry suddenly scooted up from his seat at the bench.

“I got one! When you are at the dentist, and he sticks his fingers in you mouth, he is in ‘Payne’!” the pun wasn’t bad, but the most amusing thing was Harry’s eagerness. The mood in the group was light and easy. Until…

Zayn stood up as well.

“I got one even better!” he said with an overexcited voice.

“If you two were fucking”, he pointed at Liam and Niall, “that would be a ‘Payne in the ass’!” he laughed until he barely could breathe. Liam stared at him with a almost scared expression and Niall slapped a hand on his forehead. Why, oh why, did Zayn have to say that?!

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