Chapter 10.

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Falling for a Lie ~ Chapter 10.


Liam wasn’t popular, but people still knew who he was. He was known for being kind and fair, for being engaged in his school work, for being friends with “that gay dude” AKA Louis, for dating one of the more coveted girls in school and of course for breaking up with her. Recently, he had become known for being Niall’s friend. He was actually a little bit proud that Popular Niall wanted to be his friend, but he would never admit that.

But by the end of the day, Liam would be known for something else…

When school started again, Liam went straight to Niall’s locker.

Harry and Zayn were already there, and Louis was walking right behind him.

“Hey Niall, how are you doing?” He asked as soon as Niall turned around. He knew for a fact that the other boys knew what had happened and they had told him that Niall’s injuries had gotten better, but he wanted to see for himself.

“I’m fine.” Niall said sincerely, but Liam decided to examine Niall’s face anyway.

“Let me see.” he demanded and Niall lifted his head up so Liam could inspect his face.

His black eye was still clearly visible while the rest of the bruises had faded to a subtle shade of yellow. His lip had healed nicely, you could barely see that it had been split at all, but the cut over his eyebrow had risk of scarring.

“Looking good.” Liam smiled.

“Oh, thanks sir” Niall said with a wink. 

He then turned to his locker again, but was stopped mid-movement by Liam calling out a “Wait!”

“What?” he asked.

Liam gripped his face and tilted his head upwards.

“You got an eyelash…” he trailed off as he gently brushed away the eyelash from Niall’s face with his fingers.

“Um… thanks…” Niall murmured and blushed.

Louis, Zayn and Harry gave each other knowing looks and tried to suppress their amused grins, because seriously, could Liam and Niall be more obvious?

“So, how was your New Year?” Niall asked while he tried to fight off his blush.

“It was fine, and from what I’ve heard,” Liam glanced at Louis, “yours was pretty good as well. Got any New Years resolution?” he asked with a sweet smile.

“Uh…” Niall’s blush was immediately back and he looked down at his shoes. “Not really…”

Liam was just about to press the truth out of Niall, when a bunch of girls let out a devastated squeal:

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