Chapter 9. (Part 2)

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Logic. He was dressed in logic. Well, not really, he was dressed in Liam’s shirt, but he thought about Liam every time the word logic popped up around him in a book or a conversation or everywhere. Because Liam was pretty logic, wasn’t he? When he was unsure about his feelings he had his friends consult him, becausethat was the logical thing to do. When he wasn’t in love with his girlfriend anymore he broke up with her, because that was the logical thing to do. When his friend got manhandled outside of his house he saved him, because that was the logical thing to do. What did Niall do? He tricked one of his (now) best friends into believing he was a girl so that he would fall for him… right, not as logical.

Niall looked in the mirror. Even though Liam’s shirt was a little too big for him, he thought that it fitted perfectly, but it might have to do with the fact that it was Liam’sshirt. Niall stuck his nose into the soft fabric, trying to catch some of that gorgeous scent that Liam always had and that Niall loved, but due to all the cotton stuffed into his nose he couldn’t really smell anything. He looked up in the mirror again and now that he wasn’t keeping his attention at the shirt, he could focus on his face… and… Good Lord, he looked like shit! Some bruises were already showing and a black eye was beginning to form, but it would probably be much worse in the morning. His lip was slit and swollen and he knew that the band aid on his eyebrow hid a cut, but dear God! His nose! Packed with all cotton, some of it sticking out of his nostrils, he looked like a… like a…

“Duuuuude…” Niall said, sticking his head out the door.

“What?” Liam asked with a hint of worry in his voice.

“Why didn’t you tell me that I look like a snail?” Niall asked and pointed at his nose. Liam chuckled and took a step forward so he could reach to pat Niall’s hair. Niall decided that it felt nice. Then Liam pulled his hand away with a sudden widen of his eyes.

“You got blood in your hair!” he pointed out, but Niall just shrugged.

“Does that make me a ginger?” he asked, trying to lighten the mood. It worked.

“Shut up.” Liam said with a grin. “Ready to go home? Dad will drive us.”

“Us?” Niall furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

“Did you think I would let you suffer through the awkwardness of going alone with my dad?” Liam asked with a raised eyebrow. Niall didn’t answer; instead he put on his jacket and picked up his shred shirt, deciding to keep it.

Liam’s dad started the engine as Liam and Niall climbed into the backseat.

“What were you even doing in this neighborhood anyway?” Liam asked as the car started to move.

“I was out for a walk…” Niall muttered, hoping that Liam wouldn’t hear him. No such luck.

“What?! You walked here? From your house? How long did that take you?”

“An hour, maybe a little more.”

“Why?” Liam was sure that there had to be a reason for someone to walk for that long.

“I needed to… uh… clear my head…” Niall explained in a low voice, and Liam understood that he didn’t want to elaborate his answer.

“Isn’t your mom going to be worried?” Liam asked instead. Niall snorted.

“I think you cover that part perfectly.” Liam’s father chuckled amused at the comment.

“Seriously” Liam said and Niall sighed.

“I told her I was going to Harry’s” he shrugged.

They were quiet for a moment until Niall shivered slightly.

“Wow, it’s really freezing” he said, just to have anything to say, but was mildly surprised when Liam wrapped an arm around him and pulled him close. Niall tried to nuzzle his head into Liam’s chest, but bumped his sore nose.

“Ouch” he said and pulled back.

“How does your nose feel?” Liam asked.

“Broken…” Niall mumbled.

“Niall, it’s not broken.”

“I know, but it still feels broken!” he complained and Liam sighed.

“I’m tiiiired…” Niall whined.

“Then sleep a little. I wake you up when we’re at your house.”

“But-“ Niall started to protest, but Liam cut him off by using his free hand to push Niall’s face into the crook of his neck.

“Just sleep…” he said softly and he heard Niall agreeing with a hum.

He could feel Niall’s warm breath caressing his skin, feel his hair tickling his earlobe, hear his breathing turning steady and even. He stroked Niall’s hair carefully, so concentrated on the boy beside him that he failed to see the query glance his father shot them through the rearview mirror.

Liam broke the silence by giving his dad directions to Niall’s house. He woke Niall up when they stopped in front of his home.

“Okay, I’ll help him to the door and explain the situation to Mrs. Horan; it should only take a few minutes.” Liam said to his father as he and Niall crawled out of the car.

“Thanks for the ride Mr. Payne!” Niall shouted before Liam closed the door behind them.

When they reached the door Niall turned to Liam.

“It’s okay, I think I can explain the situation to mom myself, you shouldn’t keep your dad waiting.”

“You sure?” Liam asked with a raise of his eyebrows.

“Yeah, I’m sure. Thanks for everything Li.” Niall gave him a quick hug.

“Okay, uh, see you in school, I guess… Text me?” Liam asked as he started to back away.

“Okay” Niall nodded before he opened the door and stepped into his house. As the door closed behind Niall, Liam quickly made his way to the car and jumped into the passenger seat.

When they had been driving for a few minutes, his father broke the silence.

“Is there something you would like to tell me, son?” he asked and Liam furrowed his eyebrows.

“Not that I can think of, no.” he answered after a minute.

“So you cuddle with all your friends like that?” His dad asked and Liam flushed red.

No, but Niall is just a little bit more cuddly than most of my friends.”


“Would you have a problem with me being gay?”

“Are you?” His farther gave him a curious look.

“No” Liam said, but he felt like he was lying, because he did indeed have a crush on Niall. But that didn’t make him gay, right?

“Then we don’t need to discuss this” His father turned his eyes to the road again.

“Louis is gay” Liam muttered and turned his head to look out the window.

“Well, are you Louis?”

“No, but-“

“Then it’s irrelevant.”

“Why won’t you talk about this?” Liam asked.

“Because we don’t need to” his father answered simply and Liam knew that nothing good would come from pushing this conversation.

The rest of the drive was silent, and when he got home Liam sent a kik to Nina;

“Did you get your phone back yet? :)”

But he didn’t get an answer until late next morning;

Blondie Lep: “yes, last night, but despite what you might think, people in Ireland actually do sleep ;)”

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