23- I was made for loving you

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Gabriel and I were led to Mr. Ghurair's table and sure enough, he was waiting for us.

"My dear, Daniella. Oh my, my, you look stunningly beautiful this evening. I'm so glad you agreed to my invite." Mr. Ghurair stood up and kissed the back of my hand.

I smiled.

"Thank you, Mr. Ghurair. I'm glad you invited me, let me introduce you to Gabriel Parvin, he's my...fiancée." 

I watched Gabriel's lips quirk up in a small smile at the mention of his name and specifically his role in my life.

Or at least, the role he's going to play tonight.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Ghurair," Gabriel said politely, shaking the man's hand firmly.

Saying that Mr. Ghurair was shocked would be an understatement, the bald man looked like he was hit by a train.

I'm sorry old man, I like you, but I'm not interested in marrying your son.

He quickly recomposed his face and flashed a big smile to Gabriel.

"Ah yes, I do know you. I have some business deals with your sister Lena Parvin, I recently sold her my land where she's planning to build a resort." 

"Interesting. My sister is a smart businesswoman, I hope you got along very well," Gabriel said and I chuckled inwardly.

"Yes, yes we did. Please take a seat." Mr. Ghurair gestured to us with his hands, and Gabriel immediately pulled a chair out, helping me take a seat.

I smiled to myself because of the small gesture.

"I didn't know you got engaged my dear, but congratulations nonetheless. I hope that I at least get an invite to the wedding." Mr. Ghurair said, feigning sadness.

"It was so sudden, we still haven't told most of our friends yet. And as for the wedding, I'm not sure if I want to have one." Words got out of my mouth before I could stop them, and I could sense Gabriel's gaze on me.

"Why wouldn't you? Every young woman dreams of having a fairytale wedding once in her life, I'd hate for you to miss on that, especially that you'd make a stunning bride." 

I blushed a little at his compliment.

"Thank you, Mr. Ghurair. I don't know, I still haven't made a decision yet, but I'll be sure to send you an invite if I ever decide on having one."

"My dear, please address by my first name, I'd like to think that we're comfortable around each other to be able to...unless you have forgotten about it." he joked and I politely laughed.

"No, I haven't. I shall address you as Uncle Malik from now on then." I smiled and he laughed.

"See, that was easy wasn't it?"

"Excuse me, I had an urgent surgery last minute." a smooth masculine voice caught our attention.

"Ah, it's okay son. We still haven't ordered yet. Take a seat." Malik cheerfully greeted the man and I looked at him in confusion.

This was Mr. Ghurair's son?

I don't remember him turning out to be this...quite good looking man.

He was tall, not quite tall as Gabriel but taller than me. His dark hair was quite long and messy with curls hanging around all over the place. His features were sharp and masculine and his eyes were a light brown color. 

He wasn't appealing to me in that sense, I can confidently say that Gabriel was way sexier than him, but I can see why would a woman fall into his charm. He had this bad boy aura around him.

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