18- Uncover

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"Aunt Dinah. What are you doing here?" Gabriel asked as he stood up and walked to where his aunt was watching us, leading her to sit on the gray couch at the center of his office.

Something about her was vaguely familiar but I couldn't for the life of me, pint point it.

She didn't remove her gaze from me the entire time and honestly, I was a little creeped out.

"Will you please, sit next to me?" she inquired, tapping the free spot beside her and looking hopeful at me.

"Aunt." Gabriel groaned.

I took tentative steps towards her and sat down.

Suddenly, she balled out crying, hugging me to her as if I was her long-lost child.

I didn't know what to do as Gabriel just sat there, looking at her, I could see the storm in his eyes igniting a fire, so I did the only thing a normal human being could do.

I hugged her back.

I patted her back softly as her sobs slowly died down. She kept muttering 'I'm sorry.' for what? I didn't know.

She finally regained her composure and looked at me.

"You look exactly like her. For a moment, I thought...I thought she was back." she said and my heart stopped.

"You know my mother?" I gulped down, barely managing to talk. My throat dry.

"I'm so sorry." she started to cry again.

"Sir, I can't let you in. I'm afraid I have to call the security...sir!" Tyler's usual sing-song voice was replaced now with a more professional hard one, he was warning someone outside the office but apparently, the person wasn't having it, because Gabriel's door was forced open with a loud bang.

It all happened in seconds.

I was up and pulled against Gabriel's back, he managed to get hold of my ponytail, releasing my hair from its hold, to cover my face. Considering how long and voluminous my hair was, I never wore it down, I always had it up, because when it was down, like now, it covered my face, shoulders and went down to my waist. I looked like a ghost.

Dinah quickly wiped away her tears and stood next to Gabriel.

They built a human wall in front of me, I was confused but I couldn't move a muscle. The way Gabriel held my hand behind him was like he was begging me not to breathe.

"Father." he hissed and my eyes went wide open.

"What? Am I not allowed to visit my own son anymore?" his hard mischievous voice sent chills running down my spine. Gabriel felt it because he started massaging the palm of my hand with his thumb.

Why does his voice sound familiar?

"Brother, you're not welcome here. Please, go." Dinah firmly asserted, surprising me.

"That's none of your business woman! Men are talking, get out." Gabriel's father barked.

Oh, you did not just say that!

"How fucking dare you?" I boomed, yanking my hand from Gabriel's protective hold and standing in front of him.

"Fuck." Gabriel cursed and his father smirked.

"That was the most sexist thing I've ever heard in my whole life!" I fumed. "How dare you belittle us, women! Who fucking gave birth to you? I wanna sue them!"

He narrowed his eyes at me, a flash crossed through his eyes. He realized something.

"Feisty as always, I see..." he laughed, a deep arrogant laugh. It was so evil I felt goosebumps on my skin.

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