8- You're gonna be okay

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Damien parked in front of Izzy's condo, I cleared my throat and looked at him.

He seemed tired, completely worn out.

His blue eyes were dull and his blonde hair was all over the place.

I placed my hand on his shoulder. "Damien, tell me what's wrong? Are you okay?" I asked him concerned.

He looked at me with a sad, almost depressed expression and blurted. "No. I'm not okay."

I unbuckled my seatbelt and moved closer to him. "What is it? I can help you. You can trust me you know?" I pleaded.

I've never seen him in this state before. He was always the happy careless kid, the one who gets excited about everything and doesn't give a dam, about the world. But I should've known from the start, it was just a facade.

If they ask me, what's the number one thing you remember from all of the books you've read in your life, I'd say that the saddest people in the world wear the mask of the happiest or funniest people in the world.

They don't want to seem weak or vulnerable, and they follow the rule "Fake it till you make it." They fake being happy and lie to themselves. Along the way, they forget they were lying. But, it takes one moment, one second, just one shift in the air, and they fall back to their respective holes of misery.

"I broke up with Camille." He whispered.

I won't lie and say, "I didn't see it coming" because.....quite frankly, I did.

Camille was the female version of a Playboy. She slept around with single boys as well as married men. She was a drunkard and a drug addict. Rumors state that she wasn't always like that, that she once upon a time, was a straight-A student. But, when her family passed away in a plane crash, she went downhill.

You see, there are two types of people in the world.

The first type is the Survivors. Like me. All the shit that life puts them through, doesn't break them down, it toughens them up. 

The other type of people, I call them Zombies. Like her.

They die first. They are the ones that fall into depression, commit suicide, or end up in jail. Just a little blow of wind and they give up on life.

Now, don't get me wrong, but, they can be rescued, saved. We can help them if they want to be helped. If not, then they're a lost cause.


"What was the problem?" I voiced.

Please God, don't let it be what I'm thinking.

"She cheated on me." He said, his voice barely audible.

Shit, Camille. Of all the things that you could've done!

Cheating on your lover is a deal breaker. At least, for me. I despise it and it's the only thing that I can't forgive.

I don't care what was the reason or motivation that made you do it. If you disrespect me like that and betray my trust, then I want you out of my life. Completely.

I don't care how long it'll take me to stitch back up my heart. I...want...you...out.


"Oh my God. I'm so sorry, Damien." I gasped, covering my gaping mouth with my hands.

"I'm not." He said and turned his head to face me. "I'm glad she did it, actually. It was a wake-up call for me."

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