12- Over and Over again

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I wrote this part of the chapter while listening to this song, I thought it'll put you in the mood too...enjoy!

Walking into the graveyard on a beautiful sunny day, made me nostalgic.

I followed the same path I used to take many years ago.

Smiling, closing my eyes and facing the sky, I bathed in the warmth of the sun and the calm serenity of the cemetery.

The light wind made the long black dress I was wearing tickle my legs. The black scarf I had put on my head flew away, but I didn't bother chasing it. I was far more happy and excited to meet mama than to be irritated about something so little as that.

I continued my walk growing more and more eager by the second.

I spotted mama's tomb. I went closer to it and sat down crossing my legs.

"Hi," I whispered.

I could tell she was well taken care of. A new set of flowers were decorating her tombstone. Nanny might've visited her earlier this week.

"Glad you have company." I smiled, caressing the dirt surrounding her grave.

"I missed you so much." I let out after a moment.

"I hope you're doing okay." I murmured.

I have a lot to tell her but very little time. I need to get back to Marie asap. Today's her wedding day and she needs me to help her. But, I couldn't pass any other day here in Paris, without seeing mama first.

"I'm back mama." I started. "I'm here now. I hope you're proud of me. I worked really hard, for you, for nanny, for us...and I can confidently say that I am now, very successful and soon enough, very powerful. I'm taking care of Nanny, she'll move in with me once Marie is married. "

I glanced at my watch and breathed in relief. Still got time.

"I have a lot to tell you, I met a man, a long time ago. But he let me go, he...I thought I meant something to him, but he abandoned me. Just like father." I chuckled to myself, wiping away my tears and attempting to smile so I can change the subject. "Now, there's a more important matter for us to discuss." I disclosed, and for a reason unknown to me, my heart clenched and I became more alert.

That weird feeling again...

I didn't feel it in a long time...I forgot about it.

I scanned my surroundings.

Nobody's here.

It was early in the morning. The bakeries were barely open but why am I feeling like this?

He's in Japan. He can't be here.

Well, he can. But, in a cemetery?

I doubt it.

I ignored the way my heart kept jumping up and down and focused on my thoughts.

"I'm not here just for Marie's wedding mama. I'm here for you, I'll bring back justice to you. It's Time." I declared, my voice strong and confident.

"I'm going to uncover all the secrets about your death. All the people who did this to you will pay. Don't worry, you didn't die for anything. You didn't leave me for anything. I'll do everything in my power to bring peace to you. Even if it takes...finding my father. I promise you, nobody will be spared. They will all pay for their deeds."

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