20- Where do broken hearts go? (2)

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I woke up feeling tired, my throat sore.

"Water." I croaked and someone handed me a cup of water.

I opened my eyes and drank a sip.

"How are you feeling?" Lilith asked.

"I'm a little bit tired." I managed to say and she smiled. "Where am I?" I demanded as I scanned my surroundings.

I was on a queen sized bed, I stretched my arms and legs as I snuggled further into the comforter. I peeked around and noticed the royal blue colored walls, the curtains were sealed so I couldn't decipher what time it was.

"You're in Gabriel's old bedroom. It's been years since he has ever been here, but lately, he came very often, so I made sure to clean it up and organize it like he never left." Lilith informed me and I nodded.

I turned around to look for a clock by the bedside table but instead, I found a very old black and white photo.

"It's you and Gabriel. Look closely, your mother and Dinah are watching you, they're the two women sitting on the bench." Lilith pointed out and I sucked in a sharp breath.

"I've never seen this photograph before, are there any other pictures like this?" I questioned, hoping they would be more.

"I can find some for you but most of the albums are in Gabriel's position, you need to ask him," she advised and I nodded.

"Did she wake up?" I heard Gabriel's voice outside the bedroom and my heart heated up.

"I don't know. But I asked Lilith to check up on her." Dinah responded and I readied myself to face him.

"Okay. Tell Donovan to make sure she gets home safe. I don't think she's ready to see me yet." he said and left.

I glanced at Lilith, she looked at me with sympathy. "Do you want me to call him for you?" 

"No, I'll go see him. Will you please help me up? I think my legs are asleep." I asked and she gladly helped.

"He's probably in the library, that's his favorite spot to sit and sulk," she said and she guided me out of the room.

We were in a long hallway and Gabriel's room was at the far end of it. The walls were ornated with expensive pieces of art and the marble floor was covered with a light gray carpet.

"Let's go to the library then. I'm still dizzy and I don't trust myself with the stairs, but if you have other things to do I understand..." I trailed off not wanting to burden the old woman.

She swatted my arm with her hand and I laughed. "Silly! Of course, I'll help you. Take advantage of this time and ask me anything about Gabriel, I'm in the mood to spill some beans." she winked, and I couldn't stop myself from giggling.

"Okay. Um...earlier you said it's been years since Gabriel have visited this house, why?" I questioned. I wanted to learn a little bit more about him, he seems to know a lot about me and that is not fair.

"Well, It's a long story. I don't think you have time to hear it, and I don't want the lady to catch us," she whispered, as we descended the stairs.

"Oh, I assure you I have plenty of time. Besides, it seems like this is a very big house, I'm sure you can find us a secluded area to converse a bit?" 

I don't know what's gotten onto me but I wasn't ready to leave yet. My throbbing head was getting better by the second but I'm not going to let them know that until I get all the answers I need.

Lilith quickly scanned our surroundings and nodded at me.

"The lady usually takes her afternoon nap around this time, I can take you to the kitchen and fix you something to eat?" she suggested and my stomach responded, growling.

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