3- Welcome to New-York

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It didn't hit me until now.

I was in New-York.

I am in New-York.

Oh...My God. This is happening. This is actually happening.


"What is this? A plane ticket? To New-York!" I panicked and kept shaking my head frantically at the two important women in my life.

Is this a sick joke? Is the universe playing with me? Because that would hurt so bad. Tempting me and rubbing it to my face, that I can't have this, that I can't go to New-York and I can't have the life that I always dreamed of.

"Sweetie..." Nanny grabbed my hands and looked at me, multiple emotions playing in her eyes. "When your mom..." I flinched and she continued."Later on, I found out that she, bless her soul, had left you a respectable amount of money in a bank account under your name." She barely managed to say as she squeezed my hands and caressed my cheek.

"I didn't touch the money but I have put the restaurant on sale so we can afford a living. Now, that you're eighteen, I thought it was the right time to hand you your gift, from your mother." She finished, her voice low and fragile.

I sat there, my face blank. I was speechless, I didn't know what I was supposed to say. Mama was taking care of me even from above, she knew I'd need this but how? And why?

Also, a plane ticket to New-York?

"How did you know about New-York? I've never said anything about it. Nobody knows I applied to.." I stopped as it hit me square in the face.

Miss Moore.

I turned my head to Marie and she instantly understood that I figured it out.

Miss Moore was American, she was my English teacher. She had always a soft spot for me and I respected her the same.

She helped me when I was applying to universities. I put her address so she was the one who would receive the letter of my acceptance because I didn't want Nanny to see it and think that I would leave her.

I didn't want to hurt her feelings.

"I was heading out to the park with Jacob when I bumped into Rose right in front of our residence. She was carrying a huge file and a piece of paper flew right into my hand. Imagine my shock when I saw your name in it and when I go back home and google the university!" She practically squealed.

Here we go.

"OH MY GOD EL' !" she practically screamed.

"Hush, Marie. Jacob is sleeping." I hissed at her but couldn't hide my smile.

I was proud of myself.

I mean, the most prestigious university in the USA accepted me. All of my hard work paid off pretty damn well.

Marie stood up and engulfed me in a huge bear hug. Saying that I was suffocating was an understatement.

"Can we turn down a bit all of the excitement?" I mumbled inaudibly to her shoulder.

She immediately let go of me and narrowed her eyes. "And why should we do that missy? It's NYU! N-Y-U. Imagine all of the boys that go there. They're not any regular boys, they're boys with BRAINS. B-R-A-I-N-S." She winked at me and I immediately turned bright red.

My grandmother is right here Marie, damn it.

"Look," I started. "I get it, you can trust that I do. Not about the boys' thing..." I sneaked a glance at my nanny, she was looking at us but I sensed that her mind was elsewhere.

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