2- Eyes wide open

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I finally graduated.

Goodbye, Highschool.

Goodbye, mean people.

Goodbye, lovely Mrs.Dubois and Mr.Hanson.

Goodbye ruthless P.E teacher, and Miss Arnauld our library manager.

I'm not sure if I'll miss all of you.

"I'm back and I have your favorite good ol' croissants fresh outta the oven." I yelled as I stepped in our one bedroom apartment and put the keys on the kitchen counter, along with some grocery bags.

"Nanny?" I called and got out of my jacket and sneakers. "Nanny? Are you in the bathroom?" I called again and knocked on the bathroom's door. No answer.

The wheels on my brain started working, my heart kept beating fast and I felt my hands getting sweaty and clammy.

Suddenly, I heard the front door open so I rushed to it and sighed in relief when I saw the face of my nanny.

I helped her out of her coat. "Where were you Nanny? I was worried sick."

"Didn't I ask you to always tell me whenever you're planning to go out? You remember what happened last time don't you? Please, you're the only family I have left, and you're sick. Don't go out by yourself." I whispered to nanny's ear as I hugged her.

She smiled and caressed my hair. "Oh Ella, it's okay darling. You don't have to worry about me, I was just fetching my medicine from the pharmacy down the street. I even asked Marie to come with me, she sends her greetings by the way. She told me that we're expected for dinner today. Will you be free?"

Marie was our neighbor, she was a single mom and lived on the top floor.

We first met when I was in middle school, she was just moving in with her boyfriend but he left her when he found out she was pregnant. I used to run errands for her and babysit her son Jacob. He was such a cute little bundle of joy. I loved him so much, his icy blue eyes were magical and innocent.

There sure will be a lot of hearts broken when he grows up.

I developed a special relationship with Marie, she was like a big sister to me, always offering guidance and looking after nanny whenever I'm out working or studying.

She was the only person who I knew cared deeply for me beside my grandmother.

"Yes, sure. I took the day off anyway, to celebrate my graduation with you and I don't mind doing that with Marie too. It would actually be awesome having her and Jacob." I smiled as I started to make a fresh cup of coffee for me and placed the croissants on two plates. "I bought your favorite croissants, please take a seat Nanny. Do you need any help?" I asked but she shrugged me off and put her hands on her back wincing when she hopped on one of the kitchen stools.

"No, my dear, thank you." She made herself comfortable and with a barely steady voice continued."I don't know if I say this often enough but I'm really proud of you Ella, and I know Leila is very proud of you as well. I'm sure she's watching over you and.." Nanny stopped to wipe away some tears that escaped her small wrinkly eyes, she always gets teary whenever mama is brought up in a conversation.

I walked up to her and smiled as I gave her a light kiss on her cheek.

"Thank you, nanny. Please, don't cry. I love you, I'm sure mama is watching over us right now and she's happy. I can feel it. That's why I was planning to visit her after lunch? It's been raining for days now but it's finally shiny outside. Would you like to come with me?" I said as I took her hand in mine and gave it a light squeeze.

Purity And Cowardice #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now