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Alex's P.O.V

Everything was dark, so dark. I could hardly tell when my eyes were open, and everything around me was cold. My body felt paralyzed, and my heartbeat pick up as I struggled to move.

The groan of the door beside me broke the silence, providing a small strip of light to illuminate my face.  Shoes clicked against the floor as they approached me, stopping before my face. A hand reached out, running through my hair. An unpleasant chill shocked my spine as I tried to move away from the source.

"Hello, Alexander." The voice seemed to recognize me, causing more shivers to jolt through me. "We've been awaiting your arrival."

Echo's P.O.V
I screamed his name until my voice was hoarse. They restrained me when he came in and I began thrashing against the table. I couldn't even speak anymore, everything came out broken. "P-please, I just want to see h-him." No one noticed me talking. No one was coming.

They injected him with the same purple liquid as me, but it wasn't the same person. It was a man this time, and when he fell to the floor they had to put me out, too. I couldn't stop screaming. I wasn't able to.

When I finally woke, I could see him. I was reminded of night vision as the screen glowed pale green. Alex lay on the floor, unmoving. I was back in the prison that held me when I arrived, and I couldn't help yanking at my hair as the lady who was with me earlier approached him. She leaned down and whispered words I couldn't hear, before the screen cut out.

I began banging on the walls, knocking over anything I could get my hands on. My whole body was shaking and I didn't try to stop myself when I collapsed in the corner across from the camera. I didn't bother doing anything else besides glare at the camera. They were watching me, observing me like some caged animal. The thoughts made my skin crawl.

"Echo, we're ready for you." I turned to see the wall opening, providing a passage way for me to exit out of. No one met me outside the door as I'd expected, and I was hesitant to step out. A long hallway stretched in front of me, and I took a small step onto the cold tile. I was in nothing but a thin gown, and my skin was laced with goosebumps as I walked.

No other doors beside the one I'd escaped from lined the walls. It was just more hallways. More twists and turns. I was stuck in a never ending labyrinth.

I broke into a run, my anxiety picking up its pace. I hadn't noticed any of the cameras following me like glass eyes.

Hi everyone! I really hope you're enjoying the story if you've made it this far or bothered to read this note. But today marks one year since the first chapter of Void was released. I really can't believe how far this little idea has come, and I'm so thankful for any support shown towards me and my story. I hope you all are enjoying the story line, please vote and comment if you are!
Thanks again

Void (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now