Mixed Emotions

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Alex's P.O.V

When I woke, Echo was still curled into my side, his chest rising and falling with his heart beat.

He seemed so vulnerable, as if anything could hurt him. I guess that wasn't that far off, though.

He whimpered and opened his eyes, rubbing them with fists.

"G'morning" I sighed, rolling so are chests were facing each other. "We're both naked" he said bluntly, causing me to chuckle. "You're adorable." I said, between laughing.

He stopped laughing and blushed. "Did last night... happen?" I knew he was talking about the kiss. I hesitated before answering. Did he not want it to be real?

"We need to get going." I said, ignoring his question and sitting up. "Oh" he whispered, assuming I wouldn't hear. He sounded as if he was going to cry, but held it in.

I shook my head and turned back to him. "Come here." He hesitantly crawled over and looked at me, his blue eyes like crystals. I moved my hands to his cheeks and leaned in, kissing his forehead. As I pulled away, I spoke. "Does that answer your question?" I pressed my forehead against his as he nodded.

"Ok." I whispered, getting out of bed.

"Put this on." I tossed my sweatshirt from last night at him. He slipped it over his head, and I tried not to coo at the sight. It went down to his knees and covered his hands.

Slipping on my clothes, I grabbed the few items we brought into the hotel and walked out, Echo trailing behind me. The lady from the previous night was sitting at the counter, reading a book. When she heard us, she looked up and grinned. "$50 for last night" I smiled in return and handed her the needed bills. She smiled and Echo looked between us in confusion.

We left the hotel hand in hand and got in the truck. I got some fruit from the back and handed an apple to the blonde beside me. "Eat up, there's more in that blue bag behind you if you want more." I pointed to the bag, and he sighed. "I'll be ok, thanks." But he wouldn't be fine.

He was to small, skin and bones. And it was concerning. But I didn't tell him that, I just encouraged him to eat as we drove. He wasn't to willing, but I got him to eat two apples and some nuts over an hour. He was a little more reluctant after that, so I didn't force him.

Eventually he yawned and bit his lip, a sign he was tired. "Go to sleep, Echo" He looked over and hesitated. "I-it's ok." If he was tired, I wanted him to sleep. I was getting attached to quick. "Sleep, Echo." My words left no room for arguing, so he leaned against the window and closed his eyes.

"What am I going to do with you?" I whispered, to quiet for him to hear.

I had no idea where we were going. I just knew that Echo was going to live, even if I didn't.

A chapter of straight fluff cause I love writing it. There might be some smut coming soon though ;)

The song I listened to while writing this was Close by Nick Jonas and Tove Lo. The video is up top.

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