A New Threat

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The gentle rise and fall of Alex's chest was an indication that he had fallen asleep. I sat up and studied him.

Strong jaw, nice nose, full lips, messy hair.

This was the Alex I grew up with.
The Alex that got anything he wanted anytime. Now I could see I was wrong to think that of him.

Reaching my hand out, I brushed a strand of hair from his face. He looked so innocent, vulnerable.

I had been in the same position for hours. Legs on either side of him, arms around his neck, head in the crook of his shoulder. His arms had long ago fallen from around my waste, but I had refused to let go of him.

He truly was all I had,x

His gentle stirring distracted me. Under the faint glow of the street light, I saw his eyes pop open and look at me.

A lopsided smile took over his face and he wrapped his arms back around my waste. "Hi." He mumbled, tickling my neck.

I let out a breathless laugh and cuddled closer to Alex.

Alex' P.O.V

His little giggle melted my heart as he found any way to be closer to me. He was like a magnet, always attached to me. And I loved it.

"You hungry?" I whispered into his ear. He nodded and sat back up, Looking me in the eye. As he was about to speak, I felt his phone buzz from his pocket.

A look of confusion enveloped his face and he pulled it out. His eyes darted across the screen and then widened.

"My parent want me to come home. They said they would send someone after me if I didn't." He looked terrified."I don't want do back, Alex." He said, panicked. "You're not going back." I said firmly.

"The only way they can track us is with that phone, so you have to get rid of it." Without blinking an eye he said "done," and opened the car door.

I followed behind him as he walked towards a small pond beside the road.

He set the devise on the ground, before bringing his foot down onto it. The screen shattered as he threw it into the water.

"You think that's good en-" He stopped talking when he saw my eyes on him. I disregarded his words as my eyes darted down to his lips, then back to his eyes.

I repeated the process before grabbing his waste and putting my lips to his. He was shocked, but wrapped his arms around my neck none the less.

As I bit his bottom lip, he let out a gasp. I took the opportunity to explore his mouth. He tasted sweet, as if all he'd ever eaten was fruit.

I pulled him closer, enjoying how his body fit into mine. He let out a satisfied sigh and we pulled away in unison. His usually neat hair was disheveled and his lips were red and puffy. His eyes dilated as he looked up at me.

"What are we?" He asked, breaking the silence of the night around us. "I-" What were we? "We're whatever you want us to be" I whispered, grabbing his waste again.

"I don't know what I want us to be" He was lying, I knew that much. But I didn't voice my observation.

I knew he'd say it eventually.

"We need to go. Now more than ever" I hated ruining the moment, but his parents would be after us. Who knew what the were capable of?

He nodded, and we were off.

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