A Dip Into The Unknown

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Echo's P.O.V

The first punch hit me like a ton of bricks. Alex lay beside me, unmoving. My heart strained as more sobs escaped my throat. My vision started to blur, but they wouldn't let me die. I just wanted to die. My tattered body was beaten to numbness, but the pain was nothing compared to losing Alex. Life didn't matter without him, so I just waited, waited for death to finally come.

I shot up in bed, sweat matting my hair to my forehead. Alex didn't wake up this time, which relieved me. It was 2:26am. The nightmares happened every night, and I woke up at the same time after every one. 2:26.

I got out of bed on shaky feet, stepping into the bathroom and removing my clothes. I didn't bother letting the shower warm up, stepping into the icy water. My teeth chattered but I couldn't feel the coldness on my skin. I didn't wash, just stood under the running current as it slowly began to warm. The shower door opened and I turned, ready to tell Alex to go back to bed. But he had never awakened.

Alex's P.O.V

It was to late when I heard the scream. The bathroom window was shattered, and blood mixed with shower water drenched the bathroom floor. Echo wasn't in the shower, but it continued running. He lay at the bottom of the window, in the arms of a man I couldn't recognize. I bolted out of the room and down the stairs, not bothering with the elevator. He was being thrown in the back of a large van when I opened the doors to the building. The vehicle pulled out of the parking lot as I ran after it, but it was to fast. Without hesitating, I got into my own car and raced after him. I couldn't lose him, not

Echo's P.O.V

It was cold, so cold. I couldn't see and my eyes wouldn't adjust to the darkness. My wrists were bound behind me and I felt the coolness of metal around my neck. I couldn't help the involuntary whimper that escaped my lips. I wanted Alex. I wanted him to be safe. We weren't moving anymore, I didn't know if I was even in a vehicle or not. Tears formed in my eyes as I curled around myself, trying to savor what little warmth I had inside of me. I didn't try to stop them when my eyelids slid shut, hoping that this was just another bad dream.

My eyes shot open as bright light shown behind them. I was bound to a table, cold and metal. No one else was in the room, but I couldn't move. Even without the bounds, I felt paralyzed. My head felt like lead when I tried to lift it. My breathing was slow, and it didn't take long for me to go back under.

I didn't awake for a while longer, but when I did, a women was placing a needle in my arm. It was full of a purple liquid that made my heart race. She saw I was awake and tried to give me a smile, but it came out pained and I could tell she didn't want to be here. When I tried to speak, nothing came out. My mouth wouldn't move. I felt to exposed. Nothing was covering my body, I was open and vulnerable. I wanted Alex.

My heart clenched when I thought of him. He would save me. He always did. But did I want him to? He would put himself in danger, and I couldn't live knowing he wasn't.
Tears fell from my eyes, and the women was quick to wipe them away. She was sad. Why was she doing this? What was going on. I began crying harder than my chest would allow. Coughs were torn from me and I felt like I was drowning. She looked panicked and quickly injected me with something else. Everything was so far away. The lights grew dimmer.

The last thing I heard was a feminine sob before it all went black.

3rd Person's Perspective

The women began crying harder, knowing that she had sworn the protect this boy with her life. She had failed. Her one purpose and she'd failed it. She placed shaky hands in his hair, looking at the face that mirrored hers.

Her only son lay on the table, he one son she'd never truly seen until today. But it had to be done. He would destroy them all if he knew he could. He would kill her.

He was to powerful, and that kind of power had to be contained. She told herself it was for him, for the greater good. The lies echoed in her brain as she sank to her knees, grimacing when she felt a firm hand in her hair.

"It'll all be over soon, my love."

She nodded automatic, standing up and turning her hand down. The same hand tilted up her chin, before it's owner spoke again.

"Don't tell me you're having regrets about this. Once it's gone, we won't have to be afraid anymore."

"That 'It' is my child." The slap she received was not unexpected.

"I've accepted it, it's time you do, to. Don't let him wake up again."

And with that, she was left alone. Alone with the one person she'd ever truly cared about.


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