Death Sentence

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We drove in silence, after I told Echo not to open then door several times. I eventually locked it, and he stopped trying.

The quietness was interrupted by the radio blaring to life, and the message shocked both of us.

"Good Morning citizens. It is with great ease that I announce a great change that will be taking place soon. Please stop what you and doing and give me your undivided attention." Chancellor Kelley started, causing me to slow the truck.

"Emotions, as you all know, have ruined us before, and we don't want to make the same mistake again. We have been slacking on the rules, allowing Voids to become more common. They've been growing, staying hidden among us."

Voids. That's what we were called. People who had emotions. It was a little weird, one would think void meant no emotion.

"Starting Tuesday, monthly check ins will be required by law. Brain scans will take place, all procedures will be safe, of course. You are at no risk if you're hiding nothing. Voids need to be eradicated. If you choose not to participate in these appointments, you will be removed from the city and left to fend for yourself. The same goes for all Voids. We cannot risk disaster again. This had been Chancellor Kelly"

I slammed the break, causing Echo to slam forward, only held back by the seatbelt. That announcement was a death sentence for me, Echo and every other Void in the city. My head rested against the steering wheel as my heart beat against my rib cage. I only looked up when I heard quiet whimpers. Echo was sitting with his knees hugged to his chest, his head resting between them.

"Echo?" He slowly looked up and wiped his eye.

"You're going to turn me in, aren't you." He said quietly. I sighed in reply and he went for the door handle. It didn't budge. He continued trying, before letting out a broken cry and punching the window. It didn't move, mocking his attempts, but he continued punching until his knuckles were split and bloody.

He went to punch again, but I grabbed his fist and unbuckled his seat, pulling him to my chest tightly as he thrashed and kicked. He went limp soon after, and his head met my shoulder.

"Please don't turn me in. I can't survive on my own." He whispered

"Echo, I'm like you" I whispered into his hair. He went still, glancing up at me.

I broke eye contact with him before speaking. "We need to leave." I said, turning back to the road. "Leave where?" He asked, hiccuping. "The city" I replied, not looking at him.

"What?" He asked, his voice cracking. "No, we can't leave. I don't even know you. You can't just drag me away from my family." He was right. We had never talked before, but I knew almost everything about him.

"Echo, if you stay, they will kill you." I said sternly, looking back at him.

"Who said that was a bad thing?" He shot back as more tears fell from his eyes. I leaned over and wiped them away, thinking about his words.

"Me. I said it was a bad thing" He didn't reply, and I continued the drive.

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