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Hey! I'm finally back after not posting for so long. This Chapter is extra long!

The sun was starting to rise as my eyes
cracked open. Alex was leaned against the window, wide awake.

Sitting up, I rubbed my eyes and yawned. He looked and me and smirked a little. "You might wanna fix your shirt."

My shirt was half way up my chest; it must have rolled up as I slept. I rolled my eyes and pulled it down, letting out another yawn.

Alex chuckled beside me. "What time is it?" I asked. We needed to get the car in some kind of working order so we could get back on the road. "6:18. Good morning." He replied, giving me a dimpled smile. I don't know what he meant by good morning, seeing as we had almost died last night.

"I'm gonna change into some different closes. No peaking." I laughed, opening the door. "No promises!" He shouted as I walked to the back of the truck.

Pulling out some joggers and a red hoodie, I took off my other clothes and slipped on the new, warmer ones. The weather got cooler the farther we drove, and I feared it would start snowing soon.

"When you're done, come over here. You have a cut on your leg that needs to be fixed up." I did as told, secretly liking the simple commands he gave me.

Sitting on the tail gate of the truck, he rolled up my pant leg and started cleaning my leg. It stung, but I ignored it. The cut wasn't that bad, but it was deep enough to cause concern.

When he was done, Alex lifted me off the truck and set me on the ground. "Get in the truck. I have to put this stuff away and then we can get going."

His voice made my heart pound, so I shuffled my way back to the truck.

The sound of the engine starting soothed me, because we were finally leaving here. Last night was traumatizing, but I'd get over it eventually.

"Eat something. There's some fruit in behind your seat." I nodded and reached back. Sure enough my hand met a plastic bag filled with apples, oranges and bananas. Grabbing the yellow fruit, I removed the peel and began eating.

When the banana was gone, I turned towards Alex to see his jaw and fists clenched tight. Stress came off him in waves. He was fine a moment ago.

"Alex, are you ok?" I asked quietly.
"I'm fine." He snapped.

Was he angry at me? My mouth opened and closed like a fish before I closed it and sunk into my seat. My cheeks were warm and my eyes stung with tears, an overreaction of his tone.

I leaned my head on the window and stared out it as rain started to fall. How cliché. Two rain drops fell next to each other, and I watched them, seeing which one would make it to the bottom first. It was a mindless little game, but it distracted me.

Before I knew it, the sky was dark and we'd met night fall. Alex pulled the truck over and spoke. "Echo?" He mumbled from beside me. I hummed a reply, continuing to look out the window.

"Look I, I'm sorry for snapping at you. I'm just stressed. And angry" So he was angry. "Angry with myself for being so careless." I went to interrupt him, but he continued speaking. "You could have died and it's my fault. Your leg could have been so much worse. And I'm sorry" I didn't respond for several minutes, because I wasn't sure if the decision I was about to make was the right one.

Screw what my mind was telling me.

I unbuckled my seat belt before lifting up the center console of the truck and basically pouncing into Alex's lap. My arms wrapped around his neck and my head got buried in the crook of his neck.

"I was so scared." My words came out muted mess. I hadn't realized I was crying until my tears stained his shirt. "But it wasn't y-your fault." He let out a defeated sound in reply and wrapped his arms around my waist.

And we sat like that for a long time. Until all the pain seeped out of us and our tears were nothing but dry sobs. They were cries of relief, sadness, remorse. Everything that had happened to us over the past couple days came crashing down.

So we just held each other. Tighter then we ever had before. I couldn't cry anymore though, because although we were hated for being able to feel, that aspect was ripped away from many.

Most didn't know what it was like to love someone with your whole being, or be entranced by the small giggle of a baby. Most didn't know what losing someone felt like. And I always felt bad for them.

Because I had something that most people didn't know the joy of.

And it was something I would hold close, closer than I held Alex.

Because when my soul left me, and I was only a memory, it would be all I had left to hold on to.

This chapter hurt to write. I hope you guys enjoyed it though.

Vote and Comment if you like it.

The song I listed to when I wrote this is Anything For You by Chelsea Cutler, the video is above.

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