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I woke blinking in the bright light waiting for my eyes to adjust to the sudden brightness

I took a look around I was in a strange room it was set up like a hospital to my left was

Braxton and to my right was a closed curtain. Brax was hooked up a machine and a drip I tried to sit up but failed I felt so weak the door opened and a man walked in he was tall with black shaggy hair,he was wearing a white doctors coat and a stethascope around his neck he walked over to Brax and started checking him over he wrote some thing on a clip board then came over to me "I see your awake"

"Where am I? I asked my throat was so dry my voice came out croaky the doc handed me a glass of water I took it off him and gulped it down "Your in the packs hospital Braxtons father found you, he is lucky any longer and well..." he trailed off he didnt need to finish his sentence I knew that Brax would of died out there if it wasnt for me calling his father.

"How is he?" I asked as he checked me over

"He touch and go the bullet was laced with both wolfs bane and titanium both of which are deadly for his kind he had to have surgery to remove it"

"And me why did I collapse I wasnt shot it sure felt like it though"

"Well I have one theory"

"What is it doctor.."I asked

"Hamilton doctor Hamilton but you can call me Dion, you and Braxton have a bond its a rare thing being that your human". I noticed that he hesitated on the word Human "Go on" I encouraged

"Well this bond you can hear each other and feel each others pain thats why you collapsed Aimee you took on Braxtons pain with out even knowing it in a way you helped to save him" finished Dion. Wow that was a lot to take in my brain was whirling over all this knew info I was about to ask another question when I jeard raised voices coming towards this room and one I recognised was Grace this wasnt gonna be good. "Wheres the bitch Im gonna kill her" I heard Grace say then Denille spoke "Calm down Grace she saved our brother"

"If it wasnt for her father and his group of filthy hunters he wouldnt be in this situation" she snarled she actually sounded abit scary but I wasnt about to show her how scared I was Dion gave me a look before leaving the room "Ladies if you dont mind my patients are trying to rest"I heard him say "Out of my way Dion" growled Grace she barged into the room the door banged against the wall she strode over and ripped me clean off the bed and threw me across the room I hit the far wall with a sickening thud and gasped as pain ripped through my body I jumped up and grabbed the nearest thing to me which was a wooden broom. Ignoring the pain in my back I got myself ready for the attack I snapped the broom in half and branded the sharp end towards Grace "Come on then" I hissed wait Hissed! I didnt have time to think about that as Grace launched herself at me I swung the broom and it connected with the side of her head with a resounding crack "Please stop it you two now" begged Denille but we paid no attention Grace was about to attack again when suddenly she was blocked by Brax and boy was he pissed I could almost feel the anger radiating off him Grace ran and Brax pushed out with his hands he shoved her back she went flying across the room "Enough" bellowed Brax that loud the windows shook I shrunk back against the wall keeping a tight grip on the broom Brax turned to face me "It oks now Aimee your safe you can let go of the broom now" I dropped the broom it clattered to the floor I noticed Dion watching me curiously did he hear me hiss! I stepped into Braxs warm embrace "Are you ok?" He asked

"Im fine" I said wrapping my arms tightly around him and leaning my head on his chest "What about you?"

"Im ok still abit weak but otherwise ok"

"May I say something?" Interrupted Dion

I gave a nod of my head

"I was looking at your blood work from earlier Aimee and well seeing you before and when you hissed confirmed my answers"

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