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After tea that night Tahlia paid me a visit we went up to my room to talk I knew

Something was up the minute I seen her face "Whats up?"I asked as soon as I shut my door

"I'm late" she answered

"Oh... have you done a test,does any one else know?"

"No and no" said Tahlia

"Do ya wanna go get a test the chemist shod still be open" Tahlia gave a nod of her head. We headed down stairs and I found my mum in the kitchen loading up the dish washer "Hey mum just heading to the shops you need anything?" I asked

"Some milk and bread heres $10" I grabbed my keys to my scooter and two helmets (my dad had fixed it when I was in hospital) I clipped up my helmet and hopped on Tahlia slipped on behind me and we headed off. I went and got the milk and bread while Tahlia went to get the pregnancy test "Hey can I come back to your place I cant do this alone" she asked in a shaky voice

"Sure I'm your bff I'm here when ever you need me".

Once back home I put the bread and milk away and we headed straight to my room I locked the door and Tahlia disappeared into my bathroom after a few minutes I heard her gasp she came out of the bathroom and slid onto the floor she dropped the pregnancy test by her side and hid her face she let out a groan

"Are you ok?" I asked her Tahlia didnt say a word just handed me the test I took it and gasp it was positive I didnt know what to say but I had to say something I blurted out the first thing that came to my mind "I'll support you know matter what"

"Thanks Aimee your the best" she answered giving me a small smile. I thought about how her parents were gonna react Tahlia was only 16 still had two years of school left and she still had to tell Scott "I gotta go" said Tahlia jumping to her feet "Fo you want me there when you tell your family and Scott?"

"Thanks but I'll be ok" said Tahlia

"Ok good luck" I gave her a hug before walking her to the door. I awoke to a soft tapping on my window Trixie didnt even bark anymore she was so use of Brax coming over. I jumped out of bed and let him in I was about to kiss him when he stopped me "Can I use your bathroom first Im kinda busting"

"Sure" I said laughing

When Brax came out he had something in his hands "Is this yours" he asked "And please dont lie"

I gulped he had Tahlia's pregnancy test wrapper in his hands

"No its not" I answered keeping my eyes to the floor

"Aimee" he asked in a strangled voice "Are you pregnant?"

"No I said it wasnt mine"

"Then why the hell is it in your bathroom?" He asked more like demanded in an angry tone

"Because it is I cant say"

"Aimee why are you lying to me its ok if its yours"

"Look" I said angrily "I told you its not mine can you drop it"

"Not till you tell me whats going on?" he demanded crossing his arms over his chest

"Look its Tahlia's" I almost shouted "Happy now". Brax came over and wrapped his arms around me "I'm sorry I just freaked ok"

"I understand" I whispered into his chest after that everything seemed to settle down and we went to bed I fell asleep happily in in arms.

Over the next few days Tahlia was absent from school I decided to pay her a visit I caught a ride to her house with Max. I knocked on the door and her mum answered "Hi Mrs Green can we see Tahlia?" I asked

"Sure come on in only for a few minutes though as shes not well"

"Ok thanks"I said Max and I stepped inside and headed down the hall to Tahlias door we knocked and waited "Come In guys" she called out

I opened the door and we stepped inside she was sitting up in bed with Scott by her side. "I knee it was youse I could hear you two at the front door" she grinned I grinned back a her and sat on the bed Max stayed standing "How are you?" He asked

"Fell like shit the pack doc says im ok though just the morning sickness and nausea is a bitch"

"How did your parents take it?"I asked looking at both Scott and Tahlia "They were shocked but are gonna support me no matter what and Scotts parents were happy for us"

"Thats awsome" I said happily "My parents would of flipped oh by the way Brax knows he found the packet I had to tell him I'm sorry he nearly had a panic attack he thought it wqs mine"

"Its fine people are gonna find out eventually I mean Im gonna get bigger theres no hiding that"

We stayed for a few more minutes before saying good bye and leaving Tahlia to rest.

The rest of the week flew by and finally it was Saturday Brax had a picnic planned for us and I was on my way to meet him. I went down stairs and said good bye to my parents "Be back later".

I met Brax in the park he was waiting for me under a big tree he had a big blanket spread out on the lawn and a picnic basket sitting next to him he already had plates out and glasses full of some liquid I wasnt to sure until I tasted it he stood up when he seen me and wrapped me into a hug "Hey beautiful" he said kissing the top of my head

"Hello I missed you" I said as he led me to the blanket we sat down and he handed me a plate of food and a drink I took a sip the drink turned out to be bourbon (jack and coke) it was my first taste of alcohol I took a couple of gulps "Take it easy" chuckled Braxton I gave him a small smile and leaned back so that my back was against his chest he rested his hands on my thighs. We sat there quietly listening to the wind blowing through the trees and the ducks swimming in the pond I heard a rustling in the bushes "What was that?"I asked Brax I felt him stiffen and he let out a low growl he pulled me to my feet "Go now hide" he said pushing me towards the trees "Why whats up?"

"Hunters" was his reply. I took off and hid behind a tree I got a shock when I heard my fathers voice I peeked out from behind the tree "Well well well if it isnt the Hybrid didnt I tell you to stay away from my daughter"

"I heard you" said Brax "I wont stay away she is my mate I love her you know all about mates dont ya Greg"

"Shut ya mouth you filthy inbreed" spat my father Brax let out a snarl so loud and angry it even made me cringe he stepped forward my dad was in his face in an instant a gun pointed right at Braxtons head I heard the click as he took off the safety I stepped out of my hiding spot exposing my self "Nooo" I shouted as I ran at Brax I reached him and stood in front of him shoving my father out the way all guns were now pointing at the two of us I looked around at the group angrily then my gaze fell back onto my dads face "If you hurt him I'll never forgive you" I said

"Move aside Aimee his kind is not longed for this world" answered my father

"Aimee"warned Brax he pulled me closer to him and I clutched onto his hand

One of the men spoke and stepped forward "If your not gonna do it then I will" his gun went off it was like slow motion as the bullet whized towards us I heard my dad scream my name at the same time that Brax spun me away from him I landed on my aide on the grass I heard a grunt as the bullet hit its target and Brax fell to the floor "You Bastard"I screamed as I launched my self at the man who shot Brax I punched him over and over my dad came over and pulled me off "Let me go dont touch me"I screamed as tears ran down my face "Aimee" called my dad

"Dont just go leave us alone GO" I screamed

I ran over to Brax and fell to the floor next to him I placed my hands over the wound "Brax baby its gonna be ok your gonna be ok"I sobbed he groaned he was in to much pain to speak suddenly a sharp pain ripped through my side I grasped my side and let out a gasp I reached for Braxtons phone he needed help now!.

I searched through his contacts I found his fathers number as another pain shot through my side I let out a scream and fell to the ground I curled up in a ball trying to make the pain go away I managed to press call his father answered "Hello Brax are you there"

"Help us" I called out weakly as pain ripped through my body over and over I heard Brax weakly call my Name the last thing I felt was his hand on my arm as I past out.

MY BOYFRIEND IS A HYBRIDWhere stories live. Discover now