{!!!} BONUS CHAPTER VI {!!!}

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I just wanna talk about how insane it is that I literally got a thousand reads in a week. Like..what? Thank you so, so much for clicking on this measly lil' story and showing some interest! It means the world to me when I see a new username in my notifications, either leaving a vote or comment. I appreciate each of you.

Now, moving on from that icky sappiness and into what you all are here for! The bonus chapter told in ANNABETH'S pov for a few very important milestones in the Percabeth timeline :D

Art by miavmore on instagram! I love her art so, so much! I might even use more in the future ;)

Have at it!


June 4th, 2014

"Annie, sweetie, can you come down? Your mother wants to speak with you!"

I held back a gag. So many things annoyed me about that sentence from my dad that I could hardly count them. He knew not to call me Annie, or sweetie. My name was Annabeth. Also, as far as I was concerned, my mother was not in the house. She was in the cemetery in Virginia, and had been there for almost five years. The woman he was referring to was my controlling stepmother, Helen.

I rolled my eyes and tucked my bookmark into my book. I trudged out of my room and down the hall. "Yes, Helen?"

She grinned brightly at me. "Hey there. It's lovely outside, isn't it?"

I glanced at the large window behind the couch in the living room, where Helen was perched folding laundry. "Sure."

"How would you feel about coming to the park with me and your brothers?"

I shrugged. "I mean, do I have to? I was at the good part in my book and I would really like to get back to it...." I trailed off.

Helen frowned. "I suppose you don't have to, but you know how much Bobby and Matthew adore you."

I groaned. She got me there. My younger brothers, at the ripe age of five, were practically obsessed with me.

"Fine, I'll go. Let me grab some shoes. I think they're in my closet somewhere."

Helen smiled. "We'll leave in fifteen minutes. I need to get the kids ready to go out the door."

I nodded, rushing up to my room. Fifteen minutes would hopefully be enough time to finish my chapter.

Time flew, as did pages of my book, but my peaceful state was interrupted by my nagging father once again.

"Annie, are you ready to leave?"

I bit my tongue. "Yeah, just give me a minute."

I scanned the page, sucked in a breath, and shut the cover. Groaning, I rolled out of bed and rustled through a large cardboard box, searching for clothes. I grabbed a pair of socks and sneakers and shoved them on. At the last minute, I grabbed my book and tucked it beneath my arm.

I ran back out to the entrance of my new home. "Ready," I announced.

Helen grinned, holding the hand of each of my younger brothers. They looked remarkably like my dad, with out of control, ashy blonde hair and cunning smiles, but had Helen's deep brown eyes and pointed nose.

"Let's go," she announced.

I followed behind the three of them along the sidewalk, scuffing my feet along the tar. I wasn't used to the new neighborhood. Back in Virginia, I had a lot of people my age that lived close to me, and they all had similar interests to me. Here in Manhattan, I only had a few nearby peers, and they were only into sports and other physical games. I mean, I was all for winning things, but I'd rather chat about a nice novel or even a sleek strategy than who won the most recent undetermined sports game.

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