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"So, have you ever thought about joining the swim team?" I asked Annabeth, wiping my soaked hair with a towel. I didn't typically wear a swim cap during practice, only at meets.

"Um, no thanks. You've seen me swim before, Seaweed Brain."

I laughed. "Yeah, that's definitely not a pretty sight."

She gasped, exaggerating her shock. "I'm always a pretty sight!"

I raised my eyebrow. "Keep telling yourself that."

Annabeth giggled and playfully shoved my bare chest. I smiled back.

"I'll go get dressed. Be right back."

I quickly dressed into my tee shirt and jeans again, and put my shoes on. I looked in the dusty mirror and ran my hands through my hair. I never tried to fix it unless I thought Annabeth's parents would be around. Her dad always scolded my habit of messing with it, and Helen just gave me that look.

I finished making myself neat and rushed back to the pool room. Annabeth was sat on the bleachers, typing on her phone with a slight scowl on her face.

I walked up to her and dropped to my knees, back facing her. "Come on," I told her. "Chop chop!"

"What's this about?" I could literally envision her raising her eyebrow skeptically.

"Hop on," I said eagerly.

She laughed before clambering onto my back. I easily stood and left the pool room, heading to her house.


"Honey, I'm home!" I shouted obnoxiously, swinging the Chase's front door open.

"Percy, sweetie, quiet! The kids need silence!" Helen chastised.

Annabeth smacked my shoulder. I glanced back and saw her face was radiant with a bright smile on her face and perfect grey eyes glistening.

I squatted down and allowed Annabeth to stand normally. "Better?" I asked her.

She nodded, although I'm not sure if she knew what I was asking.

"Go grab a snack," she told me. "I'll be in my bedroom."

I walked over to the snack cupboard and selected a bag of tortilla chips. I rummaged through their fridge and found a salsa jar. I poured some into a dish and put the jar back, before finally taking the goods down the hall, as well as my bags.

I nudged the door open with my foot and entered. I closed it behind me, but not all of the way. Helen was touchy and specific about things like that, but I understood. I wouldn't want my teenage daughter shut in a room with a boy, no matter how long they had been friends before.

I sat down across from Annabeth on her carpeted floor. She already had several textbooks sprawled out around her. I set the salsa bowl and chip bag down carefully.

"So, what do you need help with first?" she asked me, reaching for a chip.

"Math first, but I'll need help with English, physics, and geography too."

"Alright, we should get started."

Annabeth first had me explain what I had learned during my math class, then wanted me to tell her how I would solve the first problem. She corrected my thinking and we repeated the process for each problem until I got the hang of it. While I finished my math homework, she quickly completed her own.

We moved on to English. We had to ask our own questions about our assigned reading, and answer them ourselves. Paul had specified that they had to be questions that required deep thinking, and not just simple ones like setting, characters, or main events. If he hadn't said that, I would have been fine by myself, but I needed a little extra help.

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