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Tuesday, 5-1-18

Tuesday was pretty uneventful. Nothing different really happened, except for the fact that both Annabeth and Calypso watched my swim practice, which was quite unnerving. They had this awful tension with each other, almost as if they were constantly competing for something.

After swim practice, I went straight home, and I assumed the girls did too. I made myself a ham and cheese sandwich and set to my homework.

Completing all of my assignments took me about an hour, taking me to almost five o'clock. I traveled to the kitchen, ready to devour whatever fabulous meal my mom had prepared.

During dinner, we chatted about a lot of random things, mostly school related.

"How was your day?" Mom asked.

I shrugged. "Same as everyday. No offense, Paul."

He chuckled. "None taken. So, have any upcoming plans?"

"Well, the swim meet tomorrow. I'm very excited for that. Did I tell you guys Thalia is coming?"

Mom shook her head. "That'll be fun."

I nodded.

"Are you doing anything for Spring Fling?" Paul asked.

"No," I replied, shaking my head. "If I end up going, I'll just go by myself."

"You don't want to ask anyone?" Mom asked. "Not even Annabeth? Or Calypso?"

I blushed so hard I felt blood rush to my ears. "No, I'm not asking anyone. Calypso said she has someone in mind, anyway, and Annabeth isn't even an option."

Mom frowned. "Did Calypso specify?"

"No. I was wondering about that, actually. Do you really think she, you know...likes me? Because I'm not so sure anymore."

She nodded. "I'm pretty positive, Percy," she admitted. "Just be nice, but try not to lead her on too much."

"Yeah, I can do that."

"If you don't mind, why isn't Annabeth an option?"

"Because I don't - she doesn't like me like that," I corrected, not wanting to lie. I did like Annabeth that way, and I was okay with that.

"You don't have to be romantically involved to go to events together, Percy," Paul told me.

That wasn't wrong. I had a thought. Maybe I could ask Annabeth to the dance to get a reaction, and if she doesn't seem to like me I would tell her I was only meaning to go as friends. It was like a backup plan.

"I'll ask her tomorrow," I decided, "after the tournament."

Mom grinned and clapped. "My babies are growing up!"

I rolled my eyes.


Wednesday, 5-2-18

Left, right. Left, right. Left, right. Deep breath. Left, right. Left, right.

I broke the surface of the water a final time and slapped the side of the pool.

"Percy Jackson is in first place!" Coach screamed. "He's up!"

I yanked myself out of the pool and wiped my eyes with my hand. I held out my other hand and someone passed me a towel that I draped around myself.

"Time?" I called. "What was my time?"

"25.6 seconds," someone answered.

I smiled, satisfied. Sure, that wasn't my best time yet, but pretty close.

I searched the stands for what seemed like the millionth time. I saw my friends - Grover, Rachel, Calypso, Bianca, Nico, and even his friend Will - cheering like maniacs. But still no Annabeth, and no Thalia.

I did my best to keep a happy expression, waving at my friends. I rushed over to the bleachers where the participants of the competition were waiting and climbed into my track pants and threw a shirt on over my damp chest. I pulled my blue swim cap off to reveal my messy head of hair and pulled my goggles from my face. I tossed my used towel onto the bench and fled the gym, blocking the outcries of the fans.

I had just started off my first event of the competition on a strong foot, but I needed Annabeth there to finish off just as confidently. I had an idea of where she was, but I had no clue why she would be there then.

When Annabeth, Grover, and I had just started attending Goode High School, almost two years ago, we had always met beneath the bleachers at the football field during lunch before we formed a friend group and could secure a lunch table. We still went there occasionally to talk about whatever came to mind, something we hadn't seemed to have done in a while.

I searched the parking lot first, a futile attempt. Thalia never got her license, so she clearly didn't drive to the school. After looking around, I ran to the football field.

Just as I suspected, Annabeth and Thalia were huddled beneath the metal bleachers, shielded from the blaring spring sun.

I jogged closer. "Guys? What are you doing out here? The meet started fifteen minutes ago."

I trailed off, finally taking in my best friend's and cousin's appearances. Thalia looked so distraught, so broken. Annabeth herself had tears streaming down her face. I didn't know what was wrong, but I surged forward and encased her in a hug.

"What happened?" I mouthed to Thalia over Annabeth's shoulder.

"Give it a minute," she mouthed back, crossing her arms dejectedly.

I squeezed Annabeth's lower back, and she clutched my neck. We seemed to be hugging a lot lately, and I wouldn't mind if it weren't for the reasons it happened to be for.

What? I didn't say anything, you must've read something wrong.

I put my hands on Annabeth's hips and pulled away, staring into her sad grey eyes.

"Tell me what happened, Annabeth. I'll wait for you forever."

I had never spoke a truer statement in my life. I would wait for Annabeth as long as she needed me to.

"I-it's Luke," she sputtered.

"Again?" I looked to Thalia for confirmation.

She nodded. "I'll let Annabeth tell you."

I stared expectantly at my best friend, wiping her tears away.

"Remember when I told you th-that Luke was yelling at me that it was his fault?" Annabeth finally asked.

I nodded.

"Well, I know what happened. I guess the night that I confronted him, Thalia c-called Luke's dad. She told him what was happening with Luke, and his dad called him. He must've said something pretty bad, but either way, Luke though I had done it. He thought I would betray him like that."

Thalia held her hand up. "I didn't betray Luke, Annie. I thought that his dad would know what to do. I thought he'd do what was best."

Annabeth whirled around. "First of all, don't call me Annie. Second of all, when has Mr. Castellan ever done anything right for his child? If you had any common sense, you would've known better!" she exclaimed.

I tugged her back from where she had edged closer to my cousin. "Calm down, Wise Girl. I need you to tell me exactly what his dad did."

"He called the cops, Percy. Luke was doing drugs, and now he's in a holding cell."


Was that a bad spot to end? Sorry?

Holy crapzilla, that was a lot. In case you're curious, this is my version of when Luke turned evil. The drugs and alcohol is like Kronos' influence, and Thalia...tattling while Annabeth is faithful is almost like that scene from The Titan's Curse.

Hope you enjoyed! Major stuff coming soon, so stay tuned!

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